Chapter 27 (Draconis Malfoy)

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Harry's POV 

Potions class oh how Harry dreaded it, they were paired to make veritaserum for today's lesson. Harry huffed when Draco wasn't paired with him. "Hey aren't you gonna help me here!!" Pansy shouted elbowing the raven haired who scowled at the girl besides her."You're excellent in Potions Pansy I think you could do it without my help." Harry continued staring at Draco again and this time they made eye contact. He playfully winked at Draco causing the blonde to blush but continued stirring the potion ignoring the raven haired who pouted at the loss of attention. "Here drink it and I'll see if it works." Pansy shoved a small vial to him, Harry drank it in one go feeling the potion's effect.

 "Now tell me who you love the most?"

 "Draco of course isn't it already obvious." Harry blurted out a little bit loudly causing everyone to stare at him. Harry muttered a sorry to his classmates then scowled at Pansy who smirked at him. 

 Snape checked everyone's potion, Hermione and her partner got high marks as well as Draco and Pansy. Harry was glad that he was paired with Pansy but was too stubborn to admit it. 

"Hey don't ignore me!" Harry whined, he grabbed Draco's hand and made the blonde face him."I'm not ignoring you I'm just busy okay so don't bother me." Draco tried to escape Harry's grasp but failed. The raven haired pinned Draco to a nearby wall ignoring the students that are passing by. 

 "Harry we're in public!!" Draco whisper shouted, but Harry didn't care instead he leaned closer to Draco. Their faces are just a few inches away, Draco was blushing furiously and avoided the raven haired's gaze which only annoyed the Gryffindor more. 

 "You think that I didn't notice you staring at Theodore Nott at potions. I don't like it when you stare at other men." Harry growled, his voice dropped a few octaves which made Draco bit his lip to avoid whimpering. 

 "We're just fr-friends Harry I-." Draco tried to reason out but was cut off by the Gryffindor."And I don't like the way he stares at you too, it looks like he was about to eat you whole and I don't like that. Only I can do that to you." Harry whispered seductively, he nips Draco's ear and the blonde couldn't help but moan. 

 "Harry stop it everyone is staring."

"Fine but you owe me a kiss." 

The next day

Harry felt like someone was following him but when he turns around to see who the culprit was no one was there. It continued day after day and it annoyed him so much because it was affecting his studies. He tried casting several spells but it wasn't working, 'Can't I just have a normal year!' Harry complained in his thoughts and rushed out to meet Hermione in the library. Hermione was the only choice he got, Harry knew that his bestfriend always figure everything out and he was happy that Hermione agreed to help him.

"So what's wrong?" Hermione asked when Harry took a seat besides her.

"Someone's been following me Hermione but I don't know who or what it is, I tried revealing spells but it doesn't work." Harry ranted feeling the stress already seeping into him. Hermione paused for a second trying to think of anything that will help him solve Harry's problem. Her eyes lit up and quickly grabbed a thick book of Rare Magical Creatures and flicked the pages looking for something until he stopped at a certain page.

"I read about it before but I never heard a person who has a demon familiar."

"A what?"

"A familiar is rare magical creature that assists  wizards or witches to enhance their magic and also to serve them. They have this type of bond that links them with their masters, they are passed from generations to generations according on how strong the blood bond is. Normal familiar usually last a few decades but there was rumors about demon familiars. Demon familiars are more stronger than normal familiars and is said to be so strong that only one wizard made a blood bond against it." Hermione paused hesitating if he should tell Harry the next part.

"Who is it Hermione?"

"It was Draconis Malfoy, Draco's ancestor." Hermione continued, Harry's eyes widened and stood up in shock.

"WHAT!!" Harry shouted, Hermione pulled him down to make him sit not wanting to attract more attention.

"So your'e saying that Draco has a demon familiar and it's following me?!" The raven haired laughed not wanting to believe his own words.

"What about me?" Someone suddenly said making Harry jolt up and stare at the Slytherin that sat next to him, Draco.

Draconis Malfoy's POV  

It's just a filler so you'll know more about the prophecy and Fonce's background story.

Everything was spinning around me as I walked towards a cave that held a demon familiar. I just slayed some shitty dragon so that's why my whole body hurts, originally my aim is the demon familiar and not some bloody dragon but oh well luck isn't on my side.

"I've been waiting for you." A deep voice echoed through out the cave, I can already feel the strong dark magic that's surrounding the place. 'This is much harder than I thought'

Years Later

"Master I'm so sorry that I couldn't protect you." Fonce cried as he held my weak body that is starting to lose consciousness. 

"Shh it's okay I'm going to be reincarnated remember," I chuckled lowly then continued. "And when that day comes you'll protect me again right." Fonce nods as tears fell from his cheeks, I cupped his face making him look at me. 

"Hey it's alright you're already strong, you can live without me now."

"B-but it's not the same without you master, you're the only one that showed me kindness even though the whole world hates me." Fonce stuttered trying to hold back his tears.

"You silly familiar tell me do you feel the same way about me back then?"

"Y-yes master, I still love you" I held his hand and smiled at him.

"I love you too but not the same way as you love me. My time is nearing promise me that no matter what happens you will continue to live and move on from me okay." He nodded and held my hand tighter.

"I promise," he said and kissed my forehead.

"Then it's decided" I said as I took  my last breath.

I literally cried when I wrote Draconis POV, here's another chapter guys I hope that you still read till until the end, Love you Rosebuds <3

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