A few days later

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Jeff's POV

Me and Trish have been getting close we know everything about each other and we can tell when something is wrong so we can't lie to each other. Trish knows me better than my own brother I fell out with my brother again and Trish instantly knew something was wrong like she did when we first met.

Right now I am in Trish's locker room with Matt while the girls are in a match against Mickie James and Victoria it is a rematch after last time since last time they both got counted out all of them.

Matt: you and Trish have been getting close

Jeff: yeah what about it?

Matt: I hate that Leon guy and I know you can take him if he starts a fight with you but I am just warning you

Jeff: I know he says that I am scared of him when I am not he is not like me

Matt: no one is like you

Jeff: not what I meant

Matt: what did you mean?

Jeff: I have noticed lately a change in Trish's attitude

Matt: what do you mean? I haven't noticed anything change about Trish

Jeff: well lately she has gone closer to Leon and when someone mentions his name she gets defensive even if they are saying good things about him

Matt: that is strange

Jeff: *nods* I asked her what's wrong and she didn't tell me which also strange because she tells me everything

Matt: maybe it is a girl thing and she has told Lita

Jeff: *shakes head 'no'* she won't tell Lita she will normally tell me when she needs advice

Matt: you two are so close you know you two do act like a couple

Jeff: and you know we aren't

Matt: yes we know but anyone who doesn't know you two will think that you are a couple

Jeff: I know and so does Trish

Matt: what are you gonna do?

Jeff: not sure

Then we heard Trish's theme song play and Trish was holding Lita's hand up they smiled and hugged each other then got out of the ring and headed backstage.

End of POV

Lita's POV

Me and Trish just got backstage and we headed to our locker room it use to be Trish's locker room but I moved my stuff in the room and now it is mine and hers we told Vince and he didn't bother.

*Inside Trish and Lita's locker room*

When we walked inside we saw the guys looking at the TV I walked behind Matt and wrapped my hands over his eyes and he held onto mine and removed them we walked in front of them they smiled.

Jeff: congrats on your match

Trish: thanks Jeff

Then Trish's phone dinged she looked up and smiled.

Trish: I have to go Leon wants to talk to me

Trish walked out of the room and Lita sat in front of us.

End of POV

Trish's POV

When my phone dinged it was off Leon.


Hey babe come meet me outside the arena I need to talk to you

Luv Leon

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