Jeff asks Trish out

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Jeff's POV

I am in my hotel room on my own since Matt and Lita went out for a date as they say but when my brother told me I could tell he wasn't telling the whole truth so I played along. I played on my phone then I got a text off Matt.


Hey Jeff I wanted to know if you have asked Trish out and not backed out like last time also Lita told me to tell you that Trish is on her own in her hotel room so you better go to her before Leon attacks her since we don't want her going in hospital again.

From Matt

I then realised and I ran out of my room and headed to Trish's hotel room.

End of POV

Trish's POV

I am on my phone checking social media and I had a text off Lita strange she is on a date with Matt well that is what she told me but I don't think she was telling the whole truth.


Hey Trish just checking if you are okay and no one has attacked you since we don't want you going in hospital again.

From Lita

I texted her back telling her that no one has hurt me and I am fine then there was a knock on the door I was confused who could that be so I stood up and answered it was Jeff.

Trish: hey Jeff come in

I let him in and he walked in I closed the door and walked over to Jeff who was sitting on my bed I sat on Litas'.

Trish: what brings you here Jeff?

Jeff: just wanted to see if you are okay

Trish: *smiles* you're sweet

Jeff: only for you

Trish: what do you want to do then Jeff since Matt and Lita are on a so called "date"

Jeff: Lita told you the same story?

Trish: yup I don't believe her I think she isn't telling me the whole truth

Jeff: I thought the same when Matt told me 

Trish: I wonder where they are going then.

Jeff: do you want to go for a walk in the park?

Trish: sure 

Me and Jeff walked out of the room and the hotel we walked to the park.

End of POV

Lita's POV

Me and Matt are at the park sitting on a bench with a paper in front of us both so no one knows it is us the reason why we are here is because we know that Trish and Jeff will take a walk through here so if Jeff backs out we can help while in the shadows.

Matt: are you sure they come this way? 

Lita: positive Trish always comes this way when she wants to have a walk

Matt: okay

We heard their voices so we went quiet.

Jeff: me and my brother use to do a show 

Trish: really?

Jeff: yeah we called it the Hardy show 

Trish: I bet it was fun to make

Jeff: it was but some of the things we did were so random

Trish: name one of them then 

Jeff: we had a egg duel between me and Matt then at thanksgiving we had a duel between me, Matt and some friends and the last one was a watermelon duel that was fun but Matt got hurt.

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