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Leigh stood in the hallway and ran her hands through her hair and sighed. She was worried. She was worried over Brooke and just wanted her little sister to be okay. Leigh knew hat Brooke had been struggling and she was annoyed, she was annoyed with Rachel and she was annoyed at herself for not realising just how much that Brooke was struggling. She looked as Rachel walked over the hall and looked over to her as she walked over. Leigh looked to her and crossed her arms over her chest and looked to Rachel "well?" She asked as Rachel looked to her and sighed "she's going to be okay, they had sedated her for now, so that she can rest" Ray Lewis said as Leigh looked to her and nodded "good, she needs it" Leigh said coldly as Rachel looked to her and frowned "what is your problem" she asked as Leigh looked to her and rolled her eyes

"Nothing" Leigh said as she started to walk down the hall. Rachel looked after her and frowned "no, don't nothing me Leigh. That obviously meant something" Rachel said as she walked after her as Leigh turned to face her and sighed "Brooke has been bipolar since she was eleven and instead of helping her what have you done? You have buried your head in the sand and left her to deal with it alone. You haven't been there for me or her. We know had you let me down and I won't stand back and watch you let Brooke down. She is more vulnerable than I was and she is my baby sister and I will do anything I can to look after her so don't you dare act as if you are the caring mother as you aren't. You care more about the school and your next relationship than your own children and it's simple as that" Leigh spat as she stormed off


Leigh walked into Brooke's hospital room and smiled as she sat next to her bed as Brooke woke up. Brooke looked to Leigh with tears in her eyes "I'm sorry" Brooke said as she started to freak down crying. Leigh sat next to her and smiled as she wrapped an arm around her and held her close and smiled "it's going to be okay sis, I've got you and unlike our mother I am going to be by your side and I am going to help you. I am going to help you through it as it's my job as your big sister and I haven't been there for you at all" Leigh said as Brooke looked to her and smiled. She wiped the tears from her eyes as she looked to her bandaged up wrists and frowned as she realised how much she was struggling


Brooke woke up and frowned as she saw tom as he sat on the side of her bed. She looked to him and frowned "it's going to be okay" he said as tears rolled down her eyes and sighed "I'm sorry" she said as he looked to her and smiled as he wiped the tears away and smiled "you don't need to be sorry. It's going to be isn't" tom said as he leant in and kissed her gently and looked to her and smiled

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