Sometimes you don't have them at 'Hello'

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It had been two weeks since Camila started her new job, two weeks of trying to break through Lauren’s shyness, and two weeks of consistent short “hello’s” and half hearted smiles from Lauren.

Much to Lauren’s dismay, Austin, a fellow bar tender had been relentless in his flirtations with Camila.

“You look prettier than this morning’s sunrise Miss Camilla” Lauren heard Austin compliment Camila, just a few feet away. Lauren rolled her eyes in disgust, and fought the urge to bring up her breakfast.

Camila giggled, slightly flattered but mostly at Austin’s corny attempt at flirtation. She also held back an eye-roll of her own when he didn’t pronounce her name correctly,she wasn’t surprised though, nobody ever did.

“Well thank you, you don’t look so bad yourself” Camila replied. She enjoyed the attention, she wasn’t going to deny that. Her ego could use it, after a week of getting nothing back from Lauren,she wasn’t used to rejection and she didn’t mean that in a conceited way.

People just always loved Camila, it’s what she had grown accustomed to.

Camila’s eyes briefly flickered over to Lauren, and caught her gaze, she couldn’t help but notice the look of contempt plastered over her face, and Camila wondered, well more hoped, that she over heard the conversation between Austin and herself, and that her contempt stemmed from jealousy.

It was a far fetched hope, but it was hope she happily held on to. She didn’t really know why she cared if Lauren was jealous, it’s not as if she had feelings’ for the quiet green-eyed goddess, but physical attraction and desire to know her was undeniable.

Camila returned her focus to the boy still sheepishly smiling at her.

“So, Camilla. I was wondering if maybe you would like to have dinner with me some time…?” Austin asked confidently. He was an attractive guy, so it was understandable that he was free of any insecurities that would result in him being too shy to ask a girl out, Camila returned a friendly smile, before letting it falter.

Lauren’s head briefly shot up, as she again overheard the request. She quickly shot a look between Austin and Camila, before returning to her task of wiping glasses, so as to not make her eavesdropping obvious.

“Oh, I’m sorry Austin. I don’t like to date to people I work with. You know, the whole not pooping where you eat rule.” Camila replied.

Lauren fought the urge to laugh out loud at Camila’s crude response. Austin’s cheeks grew red before he quickly regained his confident composure.

“That’s okay, I get it.” He replied with a smile. A smile that gave Camila the impression that this guy wasn’t planning on giving up any time soon. And she was right, Austin was going to wear her down, he was determined. Camila smiled apologetically.

“Well I better get back to work, thank you for understanding” she said politely as she grabbed a case of beer to carry down to the other end of the bar.

As Camila passed by Lauren, she couldn’t help but notice the smirk that graced her latino features.

It was these random moments of hope triggered by Lauren’s unsolicited acts of interest in Camila, that kept Camila on her toes.

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