I'm giving you my heart and a melody

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“So you are going on a date with Austin?” Ally asked skeptically.

A little over a month had passed since Camila ended things with Lauren. She had quit working at the bar, because her heart couldn’t heal if she had to see Lauren every day. But that didn’t stop Lauren calling and messaging her from time to time. 

“It’s not a date, i’m picking him up from work and we are just having some dinner.” Camila replied, insisting that it wasn’t that big of a deal.

The two friends were laying by Camila’s pool, enjoying the suns libations.

“Right...” Ally replied, not believing Camila for a second.

Camila turned her head so she could look at her best friend,she contemplated her answer carefully for a moment, chewing on her lower lip.

“Even if it was a date, what’s so wrong with dating someone who isn’t covered head to toe in issues?” Camila replied as she laid her head back down, closing her eyes, trying not to picture those piercing green eyes as she spoke.

Ally gazed over at her best friend sadly, noticing the subtle Lauren reference.

She had spent many nights holding her best friend while Camila cried herself to sleep over Lauren, so Ally couldn’t help but feel a little relieved that her friend was finally moving on.

However, she couldn’t help but remember how she had never seen Camila light up the way she did when she talked about Lauren. 

As Camila’s best friend, Ally felt it was her duty to hate Lauren. But Ally was also a woman with deep intuition, and she felt that Lauren was a good person who happened to have a lot of baggage.

“There is nothing wrong with that Mila, you know I support you no matter what. I just want you to be happy..” Ally replied finally, reaching out to give Camila’s hand a reassuring squeeze.

Camila smiled at her best friend gratefully, she honestly didn’t know what she would do without Ally.

“Thank you.” Camila said simply.

Ally looked over at her friend, slightly confused but appreciative of the thanks nonetheless.

“For what?” Ally asked.

Camila smiled sincerely.

“For being you.” Camila replied as she laid back down, closing her eyes once again. Tanning always was a relaxing pass time for Camila.

Ally merely, their friendship not always needing words to convey the value they both held for each other. 

“So are you nervous about the possibility of seeing Lauren at the bar?” Ally asked cautiously, unsure if she may be hitting a sensitive spot.

Camila forced a small, and slightly forced confident smile.

“I haven’t really thought much about it.” Camila lied.

The truth is, if she was being honest, it’s all she had thought about. She had thought about how she was going to act if she ran into her former lover, more than she thought about spending time with her ‘date’. 

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