I didn't know I was starving until I tasted you

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Lauren and Camila shared a mutual love for The 1975, their favourite band was playing tonight, and they had tickets.

"Are you nearly ready Camz?" Lauren asked with excitement.

Camila chuckled, Lauren sounded as excited as a child waking up on Christmas morning, and asking to open presents.

"Almost baby, two minutes. I promise" Camila replied from the bathroom, and she could feel Lauren's glare through the wall.

"Hurry up Camz! We are going to miss it" Lauren pleaded as she scrolled through her instagram feed.

Lauren was beginning to wonder if Camila had spontaneously combusted in the bathroom when the beautiful, younger woman appeared through the door.

"Ready!" She announced with a beaming smile.

"Finally!" Lauren replied relieved.

Lauren turned around to face Camila, and lost her breath in the process as her eyes ran over the petite brunette.

"Wow" Was all Lauren managed to get out.

Lauren’s eyes didn’t know where to focus first; The tight light blue skinny jeans that highlighted Camila’s exceptionally toned legs perfectly, or The 1975 low cut singlet top that Camila clearly helped herself to from Lauren’s drawer.

Lauren didn’t mind though, she liked seeing Camila wearing her clothes, and she looked hot.

Especially since it was a ‘muscle cut’, and Lauren’s lower regions tingled at the side boob Camila was currently sporting.

Lauren would be lying if she didn’t spend a moment or two imagining herself removing the black, lacy bra Camila was wearing.

“Do I look okay?” Camila asked, biting her lip and rocking back and forth form the balls of her feet to the heels and the way Lauren was looking at her, didn’t get past Camila.

If they weren’t already running late, Camila would have taken full advantage of that. Although, the thought of skipping the concert, and just ravishing Lauren instead did cross her mind.

“You look…sensational.” Lauren replied, dragging her lust-filled eyes to meet Camila’s. Camila took a few steps closer to Lauren, the slightest hint of a smirk dancing on the corner’s of her lips.

She wrapped her arms around Lauren’s neck, and connected their lips in a brief but heated and sensual kiss.

“Come on, let’s go. We are going to be late..” Camila said in the most sultry of voices.

Lauren opened the passenger food for Camila, earning herself another vibrant smile, an adorable thank you, and peck on the cheek.

Lauren couldn’t hide the blush that painted her cheeks, but she didn’t mind.

Every day, she cared a little less that Camila was breaking down her ‘stay away from me’ image that she had spent many years building.

Camila plugged in Lauren’s ipod and happily scrolled through the large range of songs that the older woman had collected over the years.

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