Sometimes you get a thought inside your head, and you just run away with it

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The night air had sobered both girls up slightly as they made their way from the Uber, to Lauren’s apartment complex. 

“Hurry up Camz..” Lauren whined as she dragged Camila beside her, hurrying her up. Butterflies erupted within Camila at the second use of the nickname that Lauren appeared to have adopted for her.

“I’m coming Lo, my legs are a lot smaller than yours” Camila said and laughed.

Lauren looked back at her, eyes widened. Camila panicked, thinking maybe it wasn’t okay to return the whole nickname thing, she wondered if Lauren even realised she did it. But then her eyes met Lauren’s, her expression softened.

Her eyes quickly turned from horror to jubilation, and then to the deepest form of lust, Camila wondered how those extraordinary green eyes could illustrate so many different emotions in a mere second.


The two cubans were no longer inside Lauren’s apartment before Lauren had the shorter girl pushed up against the wall, the door barely closed behind them.

Their lips connected in heated passion, Lauren’s hands tangled in the younger Cuban's hair, and Camila’s hands slipping under the taller woman's tank top, and finger tips pressing into the skin of Lauren’s hips.

This kiss wasn’t like the soft and tender one from the club, this kiss was urgent.
It was was full of passion and need.
It was as if all of the sexual attraction, and sexual tension from the past couple of weeks was coming out, and being conveyed in a single kiss.

Camila’s mouth opened slightly, inviting Lauren in. The taller, dark haired girl happily obliged, her tongue meeting Camila’s as she pulled on her hair softly. Lauren caught Camila’s bottom lip, catching it between her teeth, nibbling it softly.

Lauren almost had cum right there, and then when her action elicited the most sexy moan from the back of Camila’s throat.

Their lips separated for a moment, their foreheads resting against each other as their eyes met.

Neither pair of eyes disclosing more or less lust than the other, and for the first time Camila felt equal to Lauren.

For the first time, Camila felt like Lauren wanted her, just as much as she wanted Lauren.

“Bedroom..” Camila whispered, as she wrapped her arms around Lauren’s neck, and reconnected their lips, trying with everything in her to convey just how much she wanted Lauren.

Lauren smiled into the kiss.

“This way” Lauren’s husky voice let out, as she broke the kiss and intertwined her hand with Camila’s, leading her to Lauren’s bed room.

Lauren had barely kicked closed the bedroom door behind them before Camila broke their kiss again, and was pushing Lauren down on her bed, but Camila didn’t follow her.

She stood idly for a moment in front of the older brunette, the most innocent of looks gracing her face, but the most evident hint of a smirk tugging on the corners of her lips.

Lauren sat back on the edge of her bed slightly confused, before Camila bit her lip, her arm reaching behind her back, slowly unzipping her dress, not breaking eye contact with Lauren for a second.

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