I love you and your stupid iron clad heart

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Camila blinked as her mouth hung open, words trying to come out as the woman succumbed to how surreal everything had quickly become.

This night wasn’t remotely turning out how she had planned. However, she was very thankful that the crowd had dissipated and directed their attention else where, thus giving her a moment to think without the pressure of an audience looming vividly over her.

Camila briefly looked back to Austin who was standing a few feet behind her, and he nodded and smiled encouragingly, helping the element of guilt twanging inside her to subside greatly.

She knew she always liked that boy.

Lauren observed the exchange and was relieved that Austin was backing down. Maybe Austin wasn’t so bad after all.

She was prepared to muster up any measurable upper body strength that she had, to take him on though.

Camila finally returned her attention to Lauren, who was looking at her with so much love emphasised in her eyes that it was almost overwhelming for the younger woman to experience.

All the fight inside her to stay away from Lauren vanished, her willpower when it came to those green eyes was virtually non-existent.

Their wasn’t a cell in her body that had any strength to turn away from the extremely complex, but ever so enticing woman in front of her.

“I love you too Lo...” Camila replied finally, tears welling up in her beautiful brown eyes as Lauren’s words slowly sunk in. Lauren loved her. Lauren loved her in the same way she loved Lauren.

In one swift and graceful motion, Lauren had pulled Camila as close to herself as physics would possibly allow without their bodies literally becoming one, the tips of their noses brushing each other so lightly that it felt like small feather tickling their skin.

Lauren gently closed the barely existent gap that separated her lips from the one’s she had longed to kiss for too many weeks now, the same lips belonging to the adorable woman she promised to never do wrong by again.

Lauren’s heart swooned as she felt those same lips convey as much love to Lauren as the older woman had hoped she was emitting in return.

Cool air replaced the warmth of Camila’s lips as Lauren realised the younger woman had broken their kiss.

“You can’t just sweetly serenade me every time you mess up, you know...” Camila said coyly with slightly pouted lips, as she wrapped her arms around her girlfriend’s neck and surveyed the taller woman’s effulgent green eyes, looking for any hint of uncertainty.

She couldn’t take another rejection from this woman, her heart couldn’t handle that.

But the only thing Camila found in those green eyes was absolution, and the unconditional love she had been yearning for from Lauren for so long now.

“Shut up and kiss me already” Lauren teased with a smirk. Camila chuckled as she embraced the beautiful dark haired woman whose heart she knew she would treasure for as long as Lauren would let her.

“Let’s get out of here” Camila said quietly as she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

It was Lauren’s turn to bless Camila’s ears with her laugh.

“Well I think that’s the best idea you have had all night” Lauren replied as she locked her fingers with Camila’s, leading her through the bar, towards the exit used exclusively by staff. 

If taking over the stage and singing didn’t get her fired, leaving in the middle of her shift probably would.

Lauren didn’t care though, the only thing she cared about was the petite woman giggling behind her. 

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