Sometimes misconstrued events can lead to two broken hearts

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Lauren and Camila found themselves sitting in a jail cell, waiting to be bailed out.

“This is not good Camz, I can’t be charged with anything! I won’t get into art school. I’ll be working in a bar forever. I can’t- ” Lauren panicked a she paced back and forth inside the cell.

Camila stood up and grabbed Lauren’s hand in an effort to cease her persistent pacing. 

“Lauren, just breathe. It’s going to be okay..” Camila assured her, running a hand through her hair to comfort her. 

The shorter woman stood up on her tippy toes, and pressed her lips to Lauren’s forehead. Lauren pulled away from Camila, turning her back on her.

She ran her own hand through her hair, frustrated and stressed. The last thing she wanted was to ask her parents for help.

She had spent so many years going out of her way to show them that she didn’t need a law degree to be a respectable and successful person.

Camila’s heart ached as she watched the girl she loved push her away, again.

It occurred to Camila in that moment that she never got a response from Lauren. She told Lauren she loved her, and they were interrupted before Lauren could respond.

“Hey Lo, can I ask you something?” Camila requested quietly.

Lauren stopped her pacing and turned to face Camila, who all of a sudden wore a very serious, and fearful look on her face.

“Of course.” Lauren said with worry, forgetting for a moment about their current predicament.

“I said I loved you, and you opened your mouth to say something…but we were interrupted.” Camila began, holding up hands and looking around the cell to gesticulate what she meant by ‘interrupted’.

“What were you going to say?” The younger Cuban asked, as she wrapped her arms around herself in comfort, not truly knowing if she was ready to hear the very real possibility of Lauren not feeling the same way.

Lauren’s body tensed as the last words of Camila’s question fell from her lips. 

“Not now please Camila, can we talk about it later?” Lauren replied, still unsure if she was ready to vocalise those three words to Camila just yet. Did she love Camila? Of course she did, who was she kidding. 

“But I - ” Camila started to press the matter, but Lauren cut her off.

Lauren sighed, and turned sharply to face Camila.

“Not now Camila.” The older brunette said, raising her voice.

Camila felt like she shrank down to the size of a single atom in that moment, and took a seat quietly on one of the beds in the jail cell.

She tore her tear filled eyes away from Lauren as the older woman returned to her pacing, apparently giving no second thought to how much she just hurt the girl who was willing to cross oceans for her.

They sound of jingling keys tore Camila from her thoughts, and she looked up to see an officer unlocking a door camouflaged amongst heavy steel bars.

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