You push and you pull but the truth is nothing feels right when I'm without you

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Camila turned to walk away from the woman who shattered every last part of her heart and soul for the last time.

But before Camila could get too far, Lauren grabbed the younger woman’s hand to stop her from leaving.

“What do you want?” Camila yelled in Lauren’s face, not caring that half of the bar had turned to look at them now. 

Camila didn’t even attempt to stop the tears freely flowing down her cheeks, illustrating the soul-crushing pain the older woman had caused her.

Lauren froze for a moment.
She had never seen Camila so angry before, and she would be lying if she said it didn’t scare her a little bit.

But she quickly remembered why they were having this conversation, and her eyes grew cold again, losing all the green warmth that Camila loved so much.

“What? So it’s okay for you to be draped all over some girl, but it’s not okay for me?” Lauren snarled, completely oblivious to Ally, the ’some girl’ she was referring to, standing right next to her. 

Lauren's glare was so intense that Camila felt as though she may collapse under the weight of it. They were nose to nose now, and not in the same way they had grown so accustomed to.

Camila shook her head in confusion.

“What the hell are you talking about?” Camila replied incredulously. 

Camila watched as Lauren’s face became less cold, her expression replaced with one she didn’t recognise.  Lauren turned her back to Camila, infuriating the younger woman even more. Until she realised why.

“Oh my god!” The mystery woman Lauren was kissing shrieked. 

Camila could stop the giggle that slipped from her lips as she saw Lauren’s mystery woman’s formerly black heels, now a vibrant yellow color thanks to Lauren’s vomit.

Lauren turned back to face Camila who was still laughing, she always thought Karma was a beautiful thing.

“Get away from me.” Lauren hissed coldly as she pushed passed Camila.

Camila could not believe that Lauren was mad at HER. She apologised to a very awkward looking Ally, and turned to follow Lauren out of the bar.

As angry and as hurt as she was, she didn’t want Lauren walking the streets alone in this state. She’d prefer to kill her herself, figuratively speaking.

“Lauren, where are you going?” Camila yelled out, as she scrambled to catch up to the older woman who was out the bar and half way down the street.

Lauren turned to face Camila, raising her arms and spinning in circles before regaining her balance, still clearly very drunk despite the sizeable amount of vomit on the shoes of her lover for the evening.

“Why do you care?” Lauren asked with a laugh that was empty, humourless, and cold.

Camila ignored the hurt in her chest.

“Let me take you home please” Camila begged.

Lauren stopped her twirling for a moment, and stood still in front of Camila, an unreadable expression on the drunken girls face.

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