You run, I walk, we crawl

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Camila smiled as she tried to subtly listen to Lauren singing along to her playlist in the car.

She wasn’t really surprised to hear how Lauren’s naturally raspy voice translated into an even more beautiful, and raspier tone as she sang.

She watched Lauren’s lips form the most beautiful shapes as she sang the lyrics.

The girl looked like a goddess, she was tattooed, she was a brilliant artist AND an incredible singer, Camila couldn’t help but wonder if there was anything Lauren couldn’t do.

“This was the first song I learned to play on guitar” Lauren stated out of nowhere, jerking Camila from her train of thought, or train of admiration 'and she plays guitar' Camila laughed to herself.

“You picked up a guitar one day, and decided that a Nirvana song would be a great idea to learn right off the bat?” Camila questioned, not remotely sceptical. Lauren seemed to be brilliant at everything she put her mind to.

Lauren chuckled and shook her head.

“I spent a month learning all the chords and stuff first, duuh” Lauren explained with a cocky smile.

“Is there anything you can’t do Miss Jauregui?” Camila asked, deciding to voice her thoughts.

“Fly. Not for lack of trying though, it took me a broken bone or two to grasp the concept of gravity when I was young” Lauren replied with a smile, thinking back her to crazy antics as a child.

Camila broke into that angelic laughter that Lauren had grown to love so much.

“What I would give to have been a fly on the wall to see that” Camila stated, her laughter finally subsiding.

“Be nice, or I will withhold cuddles from you tonight, plus, You would have only seen how tough I was.. I got a lollipop from my doctor for being so brave” Lauren clarified bravely.

The car slowed down as Lauren pulled into her usual car space behind the bar both women worked at. They sighed in unison as they attempted to motivate themselves enough to at least get out of the car.

“Let’s do this” Camila said, flexing her lacking biceps. Lauren chuckled in response.

“Put them away before you hurt yourself, you dork” the older Cuban warned in humour.

Camila playfully glared at her, feigning hostility to the suggestion that Camila had no measurable upper body strength.
But she could never stay mad at Lauren for longer than a few seconds, even in humour.

Both women made their way through the back entrance and continued their playful banter as they packed their belongings into the empty lockers.

“You two seem adorably chummy lately” AJ’s voice sounded from the doorway.

Lauren jumped back startled at the intruding voice.

“What?” Lauren said, playing dumb.

“Nothing” AJ teased with a wink before turning on her heels, and leaving the two Latina’s to their conversation.

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