If you weren't so adorable, I'd hate you for being so impossible.

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“Why am I here? Seriously?” Camila replied, absolutely bewildered that Lauren would even ask that question.

Lauren took in Camila’s drenched appearance, and concern mixed with guilt etched itself across her face.

“You are soaked Camz...” Lauren stated the obvious as she pulled Camila inside and dragged her to the bathroom.

She left Camila in the bathroom, and returned a few moments later with some towels, and dry clothes.

A small smile appeared on Camila’s face as she took the dry towel and clothes from the taller woman.

“You need a hot shower, or you are going to get sick..” Lauren said simply before turning to leave the bathroom.

“Lauren?” Camila said so quietly, Lauren might have missed it if the atmosphere wasn’t so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Lauren turned around to face Camila, not realising that the younger woman had taken a step closer. Their noses grazed due to the lack of space between the two women. 

“Yeah?” Lauren whispered, before clearing her throat nervously.

“I’m really sorry if what happened last night wasn’t what you wanted" Camila said, barely above a whisper, her voice cracked, almost broken...It was Camila’s turn to look anywhere but at Lauren "I never wanted to like, take advantage of you or anything. I really didn’t think we were drunk anymore…” she continued.

Lauren’s hands framed Camila’s face as she compelled the younger Cuban to look at her. She looked into Camila’s eyes, not entirely sure what she was searching for. 

Lauren was met with sadness, and regret in Camila’s eyes and it genuinely hurt Lauren’s heart. Guilt overflowed from within the older woman she felt very sorry for how she had handled the situation earlier today.

“Is that what you think?” Lauren asked sadly.

Camila stayed quiet for a moment, contemplating Lauren’s question. She couldn’t help but feel slightly relieved that apparently Lauren’s reaction didn’t mirror Camila’s suspicions about why she was avoiding her.

Camila nodded anyway.

“Well I woke up to your empty bed, and you have been avoiding me all day…you didn’t come to work and- ” Camila was cut off by Lauren’s soft full lips.

This kiss was similar to the one to from the club. Slow, purposeful, and expressive, like Lauren was trying to convey and explain all of her anxiety from today through a single kiss.

“It’s not like that Camz...” Lauren replied after she broke their kiss, their foreheads still resting against each other.

Camila relaxed a little, finding comfort in Lauren’s words even though she still didn’t know why Lauren bailed. But she did know that her suspicions about ‘taking advantage’ of the raven haired beauty in front of her was inaccurate.

There was a comfortable silence for a few moments, neither girl moving from their current position of nothing but a breath between them, and neither woman dared to move first and both finding comfort in the close proximity between them.

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