chapter 5

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Chapter 5

It's time for 3 period and I want to computer class and did the do now then the bell rung so it was time to get started with class. In class was was leaving the different parts of the computers and did an  activity  to see who know all the parts and the people that knew the most get candy. The candy was skittle. I wanted some but was not the one who got the most I was only the second person to get the most so I had to get a small can of soda which was sprite so I was happy ether way. 

Then we had a test about it then turned it in. Then it was about 30 minutes left until class was over so we had free time so he let us do what ever we wanted so I took out my phone listening to music and texted Timothy because there was nothing to do.

Me: Hey Timothy what's up

Timothy: I'm guessing you having free time

Me: yep

Timothy: Well there is something I have to tell you.

Me: what

Timothy: I really don't want you to move

Me: I know but my parents are leaving so I guess I have to go with them

Timothy: But that's not far because I really want you to stay

Me: I know I want to stay as well but can't

Timothy:  well I'm really going to miss you

Me: I'm going to miss you as well. The bell rung.

Timothy: Well got to go to my next class TTYL

Me:  OK see you after school

So I got my things and went to my last class which was world history. That class go by slow because everyone wants to talk and not shut the he'll up sometimes. It took like 30 minutes to get them to shut up and we only have 50 minutes left in class so the teacher started teaching about world history about the Muslims and how they have there revenge, what they believe  in, and all that kind of things. I couldn't wait to leave because they was being so disruptive and I couldn't take it any more.

Then the bell finally rung and I can get out of class before traffic come in the hallway. So I went yo my locker to out my books away except for the ones that. I need for homework then I went out side to wait for my dad he was out there all ready and Gregory was already in the front sear so I set in the back and we drove to the house.

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