chapter 3

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chapter 3

We came into the classroom and set down Tansha saved a seat for her boyfriend Josh. He is so annoying. Oh speaking of devils he came in and sat next to Tansha in the seat. She says to him.

Josh: " Hey baby" Then gave a kiss to Tansha. 

Tansha:  "Hey sweetie"

Josh.: " Hey Steph looking good."

Me: " Thanks but I'm Not the one you should tell that to."

Josh: " I all ready know my baby looks good it's you that needs help"

Me: " Hahaha funny I for got to laugh." Finally the bell ring so I don't have to hear hid stupid ass voice any more until after class is over.

So class started and we was learning about vertex formal. It was so tedious that it didn't feel like class started yet. 30 min later we was doing our class work after he explanation it.  I was working on my work Josh came over and touched me on my arm. So I moved it and got up to go to the teacher because I was done so I gave it to him with only 10 min left in class and then Tansha was done as well. So we started talking about me moving and that it was not right how I'm moving in like two weeks.

Then Josh nosey ass came and heated that I wax moving and said " aww your moving we are going to miss you" I was thinking in by head ( but I'm not going to miss you that) but instead I said " Awww thanks." Then the bell tumor was time for second. period.

Tansha and I did not have the same second period so I said I will see her at lunch so I want to my English Language class which of course Josh was in there Great.  Buy I'm not going to let him bother me because I have to much on my plate already do he is not worth my time. Today we was in group and thankfully he is not in my group.

30 min later we was done our do now it was 30 min because we have to read most of the time. Then education was doing our work for about 40 minutes but before that we have about 5 min taking noted then only had 5 min left in class's we was getting ready for lunch.

The bell rung and I gather all of my things to leave, some one put there arms around my waist and I turned around to see who it was. It was my other best friend Timothy.  I hugged him then ask him to get off of me so he did and we both went to lunch.

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