Chapter twenty-two

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Yesterday I had drama auditions for like 92374923 hours…. didn’t get a part. I cried on my way home.


Chapter 22-

Kendall POV:

I was sitting in my room. I couldn’t bare the thought of seeing Harry and the boys. They would think differently of me, but I knew I couldn’t sit in my room forever.

I got up and opened my door. I think it has been 2 hours since I broke up with Harry. The worst 2 hours of my life if you want me to got into further detail. I felt bad for Harry having to put up with me though. He didn’t deserve it.

I walked down the stairs. Each step I took, each new stair I stepped on, I felt terrible. The guilt was building up inside of me. I caused people so much pain. I shouldn’t even be here. I shouldn’t be causing everyone immense amount of pain, sorrow, and just plain disgust. I finally made it down the stairs and into the kitchen. Nobody was in the kitchen. THANK GOD! I don’t want to talk to anyone. I really don’t. I head for the fridge. I need to just eat my feelings right now. I saw whipped cream in the fridge. Whipped cream is my weakness. I can just eat the entire tub, and I planned on doing so.

“Hey,” I heard someone say. It wasn’t Harry. I was glad at that. I turned around to see Louis.

“Hi, Louis,” I said. I grabbed a spoon and sat down at the kitchen table. Louis grabbed a spoon and joined me.

“Are you okay?” he asked. I grabbed a spoonful of whipped cream and shoved it into my mouth.

“As okay as a girl can be when she broke up with her boyfriend,” I said as truthfully as I could.

“I know that you didn’t want to brake up with Harry. So, why did you?” Louis asked me. I sighed. 

“Louis, I just don’t know. I know that he can find someone better than me. I do appreciate what he did foe me, and I will never be able to repay him for that. I just know that him being with me isn’t… safe,” I said thinking back to what my kidnapper said to me in the park when I saw him. I didn’t just break up with Harry because there were better people for him. I broke up with him to keep him safe from everything I was in.

“You aren’t telling me the complete truth,” Louis said looking into my eyes. Was I that easy to read?

“That is the real reason Louis,” I said eating more whipped cream.

“I know you are lying to me. Yesterday you and Harry were fine. You can’t just change something in your heart after one day,” he said. That is true. 

“I don’t have to explain myself to you Louis. You don’t understand every detail in my life. You don’t understand what I have gone through. You don’t know how my brain thinks or how my heart feels. You just don’t get it Louis,” I said with tears feeling my eyes. Louis noticed my tears and rushed over to my side. He hugged me and let me cry into his shoulder. It felt good getting my tears out. 

“I know I probably can’t relate, but I can listen?” he asked after I was all out of tears. I looked up at him.

“I can’t tell you Louis. As much as I want to, I can’t. It kills me inside to keep everything a secret, I don’t want anyone to get hurt. I wish I didn’t have to keep secret. I hate it. I hate every part of my life. I hate everything that has happened to Harry and you and Niall and Zayn and Liam. I am so so so so sorry. I don’t want an apology because I know it won’t be a truthful one. I just want you to know that I am sincerely sorry for everything I have caused to you,” I tried explaining to Louis. I want to tell him about the park situation, but I know I can’t. I know that he will contact the police and then “he”  will find out and probably kill me or something. He might even kill the people I love and that is much MUCH worse.

“You know I can listen whenever you need it. If you need something, don’t hesitate to come talk to me. You know you still have Harry wrapped around your finger? He would go to the ends of the Earth for you. He would do anything for you, and he will never stop loving you,” he said. I simply nodded in return.


This chapter is just TERRIBLE!

How do you guys like Live While We're Young?

I LOVE IT! I already have it on my ipod (illegal download... don't call the cops :))

I promise to update sooner... sorry again.




PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE YALL

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