Chapter nine

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Chapter 9-

Harry POV:

Liam came out of the hospital room. I wanted to see Kendall. I needed to hug her and tell her everything would be okay. Liam sat down next to me.

“Can I see her?” I asked Liam as soon as sat down.

“She is sleeping,” Liam said in return. I sighed. I want to see her. “She is being strong,” Liam also announced.

“I thought she wanted to talk to you,” I said to Liam.

“She did. We talked for a little bit, and then she wanted me to sing her a song. While I was singing, she fell asleep,” Liam announced. I was jealous of Liam. I want to sing to Kendall.

“What did you talk about?” asked Zayn. Liam sat for a moment thinking.

“About everything that happened,” Liam stated. We sat there for a little while, not saying anything. Niall looked the most upset. He thought that Kendall hated him. I understood him. I feel like it is my fault that Kendall is in this situation. I should have left her alone, but I am glad that she is getting help.

“Niall, are you okay?” I asked him. He shook his head. He was too upset to talk.

Kendall POV:

I woke up from the nap I took. I can still hear Liam singing to me. It was beautiful. I wish I was as good as him.

I feel much better. I want to go home, but the doctors think I’m suicidal or something. I’m not at all suicidal. I just have too much going on in my life right now. I need someone to talk to. I miss my mom and dad. I haven’t seen them since I was five years old. I wish I could tell them I’m okay. They need to know that I made it home safe.

The doctor came into the room to make sure everything was okay.

“Okay. Kendall, you may go home now,” the doctor said. I jumped up and ran out of the room. I ran past Todd and the boys. I went to the front desk, got my meds, and then went outside. It was sunny outside. I spun around in circles and danced in front of the hospital. Todd ran out. He probably thought I was going to run away again.

“The doctor released me!” I shouted. I was so happy to get out of that hell hole. I jumped in the car ready to go. Everyone boarded into the car. The boys didn’t say anything to me. I didn’t expect Niall or Harry to anyway. I am mad at both of them. I just wanted to go home into my own bed.

“How do you fell,” asked Harry. I didn’t really want to answer him, but I knew I had to. I could tell he felt guilty, but he shouldn’t. It was totally my own fault for this happening. I didn’t want to talk to him though. I was embarrassed for the way I acted.

“Fine,” I responded. I wanted it to be short and simple. “I am sorry if you think this was your fault because it wasn’t,” I explained. I didn’t want him dwelling on this. I needed them to go on with their lives.

“Don’t apologize,” was Harry’s response to me. I didn’t respond. We finally reached the house. I opened the door and walked up to the house. Now, it felt much like ‘my home’.  I went into the living room and sat down on the couch.

“Anyone wanna watch a movie with me?” I asked everyone. It was only around 3pm. They all nodded except Todd. He had work to deal with.

The boys sat on the couch with me. I didn’t know what movie I wanted to watch.

“How about Toy Story?” asked Liam. Everyone laughed at his recommendation. He was completely serious.

“Sure!” I announced. Toy Story was one of my favorite Disney movies. I liked sitting with the boys. It was nice, but I could tell that Niall was being very distant. I wasn’t completely mad at him anymore, but I didn’t completely forgive him. He sat there with his head down looking at his feet. I was worried about him. If he needed an apology from me, then that’s what I would give him.

“Niall, I am sorry for being angry at you,” I said. Everyone looked at me. I guess it wasn’t the best time to announce this because the movie was about to start. Niall looked up, and I could see the hurt in his eyes.

“You know I only did it for your own well-being,” he said.

“I know. I can forgive you if you forgive me,” I said softly. All the boys then looked at Niall waiting for a response. He nodded. I walked over to where he was sitting and gave him a hug. “I really needed a Horan hug,” I whispered. He laughed.

I couldn’t concentrate on the movie. I was thinking about how the trial would be with my captor. Only Liam knew about what was going on. I knew I had to tell the boys at some point. I guess now would be good because the movie was over.

“Guys? Can I tell you what is going on,” I said not knowing how stupid it sounded. It was so random of me to say that. The looked at each other and nodded. “Well, I already told Liam. It’s about why everything happened at stuff and everything that will happen in the next few days,” the boys looked scared and anxious. Liam looked calm though. “The reason I was so upset and angry is because the police have found my captor and arrested him. That’s the good news. The bad news, I have to face him in trial,” The boys looked confused, except Liam. I started tearing up just saying that.

“I’m scared,” I said, my voice trembling.

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