Chapter twenty-four

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HEY PEOPLES! I am sorry for not updating…. Again. I hate school and homework and clubs and stuff. But I am like almost at 9000 reads!!!! AHHHH THAT IS SO AWESOME!!! Like I love you guys!

Can you guys do me a favor and go check out “Trying So Hard” by crazylittlelove. SHE IS AWESOME AND LIKE THE GREATEST PERSON IN THE WORLD! She is also the only person at my school who knows about this fan fiction (I hope)

Anywho… I am listening to One Direction right now, so shoutout to ONE DIRECTION! KBYE!

Chapter 24:

Kendall POV-

The past few days sucked. I am so alone without Harry. I know that I have the boys to talk to whenever I need them, but it just isn’t the same as it used to be. I miss him so much. He really wants to help me, but me being too stubborn, I won’t let him.  I don’t want him to get involved in my crappy life.

The notes have been coming less frequently. I don’t know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. I don’t know if I should be worried about why they aren’t coming, or be relieved that they aren’t coming. I just don’t know how to think at this point.

“Do you wanna talk now?” Harry asked coming into my room. I had been ignoring him for the past couple of days. I was ashamed of everything. Plus, I don’t want him digging deeper into everything.  Harry had come up to room everyday. He would always ask the same thing, but I never responded. Like usual, I didn’t respond to his question.

He stood their looking at me waiting for a response. He should have known that he wasn’t going to get one. We have been through this enough times for him to realize that I wouldn’t answer his question, but he continued to wait.

He must have been standing their for a good ten minutes and my door before I started getting annoyed.

“Harry, don’t you have anything better to do? You can’t just stand at my door for hours. You are starting to annoy me,” I finally said to him. He smirked as if that was what he was waiting for.

“The girl speaks!” he said triumphantly. I just rolled my eyes at him. “I just wanted to hear your voice and make sure you are okay.”

“Ha Ha, very funny. And I am okay,” I say and go back to my iPod expecting Harry to leave, but he doesn’t. He continues to stand at my door. “Do you need something?” I ask.

“I want you to talk to me,” he says. I don’t even know what to say, so I just ignore him again. What else can I do? I put my headphones back in and turn the volume up all the way. It is killing my eardrums, but I will risk it so I can’t hear Harry.

I could tell he was talking to me, but I had no idea what he was saying due to the loud music pumping through my hears. I didn’t dare look up at him. I didn’t want to engage in a conversation.

He was yelling at this point. I could tell because the other boys had arrived at my door. They all were looking between Harry and I. I just ignored their constant stares. Harry continued to yell, nevertheless.

All I could make out was mumbled words from Harry, and whispers from the boys. Well, it sounded like whispers to me. I tried turning the music up louder, but I had it to the maximum volume. I just wanted to drown myself in the music, but I couldn’t. The world was always spinning around me and I could never get it to stop or slow down.

Louis rolled his eyes at Harry and launched at me. I thought he was going to jump on me or something, but he just walks over to me and ripped my headphones out of my ears.

“What was that for? I was enjoying my wonderful music. Don’t you respect that?” I yelled at him. He rolled his eyes in return.

“Harry is so annoying, just listen to him. He won’t up and I am going to kill somebody if he doesn’t stop!” he said and walked out of the room with my iPod. I groaned.

I guess I have to listen to this…… wonderful.


Sorry for the crappy chapter… again. Haha I suck at writing, unless it is a research paper. My research papers are like A+ not bragging or anything.


This chapter was short, but I needed a filler chapter.





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