Chapter seventeen

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Hey guys! Thanks so much for reading. I never thought that my story would reach this many reads. I totally appreciate all of this. I am starting school in 4 weeks. Sucks, I know. My first year of high school. Ugh. Anyways, I will try to update every week in that time. Sorry if I don’t. I will have so much homework and studying. I am a grade above in math, so I have to study very hard to keep that up. Sorry again. PS: This chapter sucks.

Chapter 17-

Kendall POV:

Everything was black. I could feel everything, though. I felt all the pain. I had no idea where I was, all I knew was that I was in some sort of trouble. I don’t remember where at all I was or what happened to me. Was I dead? No, I couldn’t be. I could feel all the excruciating pain. Dead people aren’t supposed to feel pain, I don’t think. I mean, I was never dead before. I had always wished for death upon myself, but I felt like I shouldn’t go now. I cant remember what had happened previously to me, but I knew that I can’t die now. I now that there are things I needed to do before I die. I wanted to have a job, shoot some photography, have more adventures. I didn’t want to die without more experiences in life. I would have no problem dying if I had done everything I wanted in life, but I hadn’t. I’m just not ready.

I suddenly could hear. I tried to open my eyes, but I was unsuccessful. I could hear voices, more like crying. I didn’t know anyone that would cry over me, I mean who would want to. I wasn’t anything special at all. I didn’t accomplish anything in life. People shouldn’t cry over me, no matter that circumstances. It didn’t feel right. Anyways, I heard the crying of what I thought was a man. I couldn’t tell at all who it is. I was terrible at things like that. I twitched my hand to see if I could move it. I felt fabric under my hand. It felt like a lace dress. Why would I be wearing a lace dress? I have no idea. I heard a gasp and then someone rushing to my side. I had feeling in only my right hand which was weird. I felt a hand on mine then more voices entering the room. They sounded frantic, like they had little time to do what they were aiming to do. My body jerked up, unexpectedly. My eyes again failed to open. I was getting frustrated. The universe just wasn’t on my side. Did the world hate me? Like, come on. I tried with all my might to open my eyes. Just another failed attempt. I just gave up. I can try again later.

I think about 45 minutes passed. The people that entered the room had left which was nice. I didn’t like hearing everything going on without seeing it. I had nothing to do, so I started thinking about the what it would be like to have my own planet. I know, I am weird and delusional. I would name it, uh brisé. It means broken in French. It would be imperfect but perfect. I know it doesn’t make sense, but it does for me. The people of this planet would be the kind of people who don’t feel like they have a place in this world, but want to. You could accomplish anything and everything in brisé. I would love it.

I thought about this for sometime before I decided to try to open my eyes again. I had to be trying really hard because my eyes fluttered open. The lights from the room were blinding. I had to shield my eyes with my hands until I could adjust to the brightness. I have never been in bright lights before. I liked more of a dark scenery. I finally adjusted to the lights in the room. I had no idea where I was. I just screamed. It felt nice to let everything out in a scream. It let out the anger, confusion, and just pure joy. I was happy to be awake, but confused on to why I was here. I bunch of what I think were doctors rushed into the room, pushing a few people away. I guess I was in a hospital due to the doctors.

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