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Almost everything in the world is cliché

Falling in love is cliché

Broken hearted is cliché

Love and hate are cliché

Nothing is new, nothing is old

All things are cliché

Neither success nor failure, cliché

Both live and death, cliché

They have already existed since the ancient time

What is not cliché?

Things happen are just repetitions

There is no such really new thing

It’s only the renew renew renew

Oh, it’s a new one….a sophisticated item

Really ? Can’t it be cliché later on

Cliché will always attach to everything

It’s a cliché world we live in

Cliché but somehow we need it

Cliché , there’s no harm in it

Cliché, it what makes people live

Then, cheers for cliché

-Ghivan Christine-

October 2014

The Book of EmotionsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang