the bridge fight

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                             I am on the floor my blood everywhere you might think I got into a fight.

I didn't I just pissed off my Sensei

"Ah sorry Akemi I think I went a bit overboard"


"Ya think you lucky your hot so I will let this slide"

"Mhm" he held out his hand to help me up I got up and then fell right back down

"Aha Sensei you broke me
.... and not in the good way-mfha"

He put a hand over my mouth and picked me up bridal style so I just leaned on his chest ah so firm and-

"Akemi you have a perverted face on if your thinking bad thought I will drop you"

Do I make a face?

Oh well

We go to the bridge and Sensei dumps me right next to Sakura

she and Tazuna gasp when they saw me

"What happen did she get into a fight or something"

"Ah hehe" sensei rubbed the back of his head then poofed away

Laying my head on Sakura's lap while she ran her fingers through my hair I sighed dramatically

"I made sensei mad" 

Everyone who heard that shivered while mumbling a 'scary'

I spent the day there on the bridge helping from time to time  when we go back I let the boys train and wake up early to go find Naruto and bring him some water

I come and see Haku with Naruto "hello"

Naruto smiles at me and ushers me over I hand him the water and look at Haku

"Akemi-chan this is Haku, Haku this is my best friend Aki-chan" I give a gentle smile "nice to meet you"

"Likewise may I help" he nods and I sit down while naruto goes to look somewhere else

"So what are you ninja doing here we don't see you a lot around here" I smile

"Trying to build a bridge but some other guys are trying to stop us" he gives a fake concerned look

"Although he is working for Gato I just know he will betray him their job is expensive and Gato is a selfish man I hope he makes it out okay the other ninja I mean not Gato"

He gives me that kicked puppy look "you still pity the enemy"

I nod " of course he is only doing what he must and he must have his reasons ya know I would gladly become friends with him"

For the first time, I see a true smile come from Haku

"You are a very pretty boy ya know" Haku gets up ready to leave and looks shocked

"You knew" I nod

Naruto comes back with plants and Haku tell us goodbye but turn back and looks at Naruto

"By the way, I'm a boy" Naruto's jaw hit the floor and I swing an arm around him

"I know he's prettier them me right"

Naruto nods yes then stops

"Wait no your way prettier Akemi-chan" I pat his head

"Aw thank you"

We meet up with Sasuke and walk back together.

Nothing really interesting happened the rest of the two days I just did more training with Shisui and Sensei and made sure the boys didn't die.

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