fight to the death

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I woke up so many times during the night bolting up at every little sound finaly sometime after the sun rose i was slumped agienst Kakashi curled in his side

Kakashi's p.o.v.

Wakeing up i was groggy  the last thing i remember was.... was seeing kunai and shuriken being thrown out

My eyes widen and I jumped up well tried too looking to my left i see a little Akemi ball all curled around my arm

I shook her a little

"Akemi" I whispered

"Hey Akemi" I tapped her forehead

"AKEMI" she boltes up lunging at me she stopped as soon as she saw me

When she did see me her lip started to quiver

Shit what do I do if she starts to cry

"S... Sensei" she wailed

"I'm so glad your okay" I pet her head and let her cry a little into my chest

Only now did I relize that I was covered in bandages and oddly didn't feel like...well I was ambushed by six men

"What happen after I passed out and.... why are you even here?"

She rolled her eyes

"Well lady Tsunade sent me to get you and the rest back home as for the seconed part..."

She got odly quite scooting back a little thats...weird she never willingly moves away from me

She cleared her throat and looked down "I uh well they uh died"


Her first kill was my fault really and i wassnt even awake after to help it sink in

She... she probably has not even accepted it yet

what a great Sensei I am I don't even know how to help


"Are uh you oka-"

"Hows your head Sensei I really did my best but im no medic nin like Sakura haha maybe I should learn what do you think oh and Pakun just poofed away sometime ago"

Shes on the verge of tears and probably a panic attack I'll... drop it for now but I just know she will crack when we get back I'll make sure to stay close by

"Maa I think thats a great idea you can never learn too much"

Ruffling her hair i bent down a little

"You did a good job Akemi-chan"

Ahh theres that smile and beam i was looking for

Akemi p.o.v

I'm greatful that Kakashi let the fact that I killed go I don't want to talk about or... or even think about it

"So what happen to everyone else"

Kashi looked down and rubbed the cut on hid head

"Ishidate had to stay with the elders for about a week to two weeks more so we were just going to head back home when the first attack happen we thought they were here for Ishidate so Zabuza and Haku stayed behind to defend him I was about halfway away when i started to get ambushed one group after another I barly got away from one group when the next came at me and thats when you got there"

I'm sorry i feel like this is my fault mabey I should tell him about Shisui

"Sensei" I mumbled twitching nervously

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