Just Me & the gods

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An:  I'm talking about religion and gods/goddesses in this chapter but I never mean to offend anyone's beliefs I respect every kind of belief this is just part of my story also I put my spin on the greek gods.

On another note, Akemi-chan and Zaraph are my OC's if you have any questions about them let me know.

"We have to talk"

I look at the T.V thing that shows what's happening to see Orochimaru his face peeling and a wicked smirk on his face


I jumped behind Death and held onto him for dear life

The two guys started to laugh

"That scares so you decide to jump over to someone whose name is Death" I nod

"Of course"

When we get done laughing they get serious.

"We need to talk"

That's never good I walk over to the couch Death has and sit Death sits in his spinny chair and voice sits on a different chair.

"When you first got here I didn't tell you the whole truth"

I nod slowly "go on"

"Well let us start at the beginning at the beginning of time there were 12 gods and they ruled everything when humans started to develop they worshiped them"

Death stops talking and the voice picks up where he left off

"-but one day their people decided to change and some people believed in one god eventually more and more humans started to believe in their type of religion it was chaos"

The voice stops and Death finishes what he was saying

"When you go your whole life believing in one religion one god just to die and find out there are 12 and you don't go to hell or heaven it can shatter you your soul can't take that type of- of rejection of sorts so you get stuck in the in-between roaming around aimlessly."

The voice starts to talk agien (honestly it's kind of adorable how they finish each other's sentences)

"Too put an end to the madness we all decided if you believe in heaven and hell we put you in our kind of heaven and hell.
You don't have to be a saint but a decent human grants you heaven if you were an evil  human you go to hell."

Death starts to talk now

"We changed to what our people believed in now you in your life never believed in anything so those of you few humans who don't believe or just don't know get told the truth."

So my life was kinda a lie nice nice "continue"

"Those who don't believe in anything go through the whole shabang you get reborn 8 times after that you either get sent to Hades who runs the underworld-"

"HE'S REAL" I'm bouncing with excrement I just really like him

"Ya ya wonder how he will take it when he finds out he has a fan"

Voice laughed "probably scoff"

"Oh-oh is he mean"

They look at each other and blink Death shrugs

"He acts mean but he actually does care for all humans after all it is you humans who give us purpose"

I nod cool cool

"Now where was I oh right you either go to him or Zeus"

Wow I've always loved greek mythology

"Wait you said 12 gods who are they all"

Voice stands up and grabs a whiteboard and marker

"Here we go we have Death or Erebus god of darkness, me Zaraph god of peace, Helios the sunshine of us gods and the happiest, Hercules the strong arrogant bastard Celaeno she's motherly to everyone Clotho she's lovely, Eileithyia she's a bitc-"

he kneeled holding his stomach "b- beautiful I meant beautiful goddess" he finally got up "take over death I'm going to lay down"

"And my favorite goddess who reminds me of you Eos goddess of the dawn oh these gods and goddesses you will meet with each new life I was there for your first life even though you couldn't hear or see me and Zaraph will be here for this life even though he was late"

They glair at each other

"What about the others"

"Oh Zeus and Hades you won't meet them for a very long time"

"Why am I still here"

They shrug "you're in a near-death state I guess you're still on the verge of dying"

"Well dang do you know what world I will be reborn into next" they shrug " I'm pretty sure everyone already picked out their world for you but we don't know"

I nod and it gets quiet "so you guys wanna watch what's going on with these exams"

"Oh yes and let me see Sensei and Shisui I haven't seen them in what feels like forever"

Zarafa pats my head "your such a little stalker" I gasp " nu uh I'm just dedicated" we all sit on the couch and Death gets out the blankets and snacks

Well I'm eating pocky with two gods..... awesome

AN: guys do you want Akemi to end up with someone or do you want her to flirt forever? Let me know please and it can be with any character even an OC

Did you guys catch something up there? It might look like a mistake but I assure you I did it on purpose ;)

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