yes sir

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A/N: have I been gone for a long time yes am I very very sorry for that also yes why was I gone for so long because of that sexy motherfucker up there ^^

Hehe I restarted Hunter x Hunter

I stoped perfectly still looking into the eyes of my twin

What lead me here you might ask well Danzo himseilf


"Akemi" the stern faced man looked into my eyes

"Your mission gather any and ALL info from Orochimaru's old hideout eliminate anyone who may be lurking inside/outside the hide out"

I bowed a smirk placed on my lips

"Yes Danzo-san~"

Flashback over~

Sasuke took a step forward and I shot off running past him to Orochimaru jumping at him wrapping my legs around his chest and holding his head


I looked back slightly only to see a hurt expression on Sasuke's face 'thats what you get for leaving me you dick'

Orochimaru chuckled not moving me off him

"So I see"


Orochi-moo moo raised his hand and surprisingly softly rubbed my back I took that as a sign to jump off him

Turning to my brother I squint And walk closer to him "oh OH SHIT"

He walks up to me and we examine each other

"Your hairs longer"
"Your hairs longer"

We both mumbled at the same time only to look at each other and scowl turning away


Orochimaru flat out laughed at our synchronized hn

"Must be a twin thing" I said nodding like an old wise one

"So How did you find this place" Orochimaru asked leaning back agienst the wall unbothered

"Danzo himself"

"What a clever little minx" I nodded to Orochimaru

"Of course I take the phrase 'keep your enemy's closer' or something like that to heart"

"Wise choice" turning around Kabuto shoves a file into my hands

"Ay gently pretty boy"

He just blinks at me before shakeing his head and walking away

"Whats going on here" Sasuke interrupted

With a sigh I grab his wrist and lead him deeper into the hideout

We sit and I pick at my long nails

"What all do you know about a the man Named Danzo"

He furrowed his eyebrow

"The man Orochimaru and Kabuto have been looking into I know a thing or two about him"

I nodded "all bad things huh"

He simply shrugs

"Well dear brother what you might not know about him is that well he had a major role in the deaths of our clan"

My bro jumped up Sharigan blazing

"What" he said in a deadly calm voice

I stood up too "his arm, implanted into his arm is OUR clans eyes"

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