Birthday special

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"I love you Akemi-chan"

"No, I love you more than Kakashi"

"Boys I can love you both"  I jumped into Kakashi's arms while staring lovingly at Shisui

They took me to the bedroom and I laid on the bed while they both showered me with affection and-

"N-Naruto get out of my smut dream"

"Whaa Akemi wake up stop hitting me"

I sit up in bed and half heartily glare at Naruto who is sitting on me.

He gives me the biggest smile I've ever seen and I can't help but return it.


"Huh it is my birthday isn't it"

He smiles at me and jumps up off me.

"Come on we planned out the BEST birthday for you"

"And Sasuke right" he stops mouth wide open and eyes big "it's Teme's birthday too"  "N-Naruto you do know we're twins right" he tilts his head.

"What are twins" now it's my turn to be dumbstruck "oh you poor baby come here let me hold you" he just beamed at me and threw himself at me.

"Come on let's go downstairs and I will cook."

Still holding onto me we walk downstairs to see a huge breakfast already there.


Sasuke, Sakura, Hinata, and Shino were already here.

It was so cute Shino had an apron on that said 'kiss the chef' that I bought Sasuke a while back.

"Oh don't mind if I do" I ran to him and kissed him on the cheek
And we sat down me basically on his lap because it's my birthday and I can.

Everyone just blinked at me then went on with their day

The food was so good

"Alright come on we planned out a perfect day for you guys"

I'm glad Sakura is here to plan for Sasuke too.

They take us to Ino's flower shop
"Happy birthday Sasuke-Kun" Ino comes out and throws herself at my bro.

I feel the love Ino An-ny-way Shino takes my hand and leads me to the front and buys me some flowers.

"Aww how sweet" he blushes and stuffs his head in his shirt

"Alright next stop" now we have Ino with us we head to TenTens weapon shop.

"For the birthday twins, you can pick out a weapon-free of charge"

I ran around the shop like crazy "Sasuke would I look badass with this sword" let's just say I fell over because it was too big.

"Ou Hinata how would I look with this scythe- oh no" I slipped and almost beheaded myself Hinata squeaked and frantically waved her arms.

I pouted Mabey I should just not use any more weapons.

"Akemi" I look up at Shino to see a beautiful whip it had a thing where I could put my fingers in to hold it better a sharp end and it had a purple handle and the rest was black except for the silver end it was beautiful "I need me that"  Sasuke just got some Kunai.

We walked out and ran into Shikamaru and Choji.

"Hey guys"

They stopped and put something behind their back "hey Akemi Sasuke  bye Akemi Sasuke" they just ran off and that is surprising because Shikamaru doesn't run he just doesn't weird oh well

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