Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


Another three years passed, Taehyung was twenty-one and had left most of his angsty teenage phase behind him. To some extent it could be said that he came to terms with what he was. He no longer despised that part of him. It just was there.

Which of course didn't mean he had told Jimin about it. Self-acceptance and stupidity were two different things after all. Just because he didn't feel like they were something he had to get rid of anymore didn't mean Jimin would feel the same about it.

Even after all these years the fact that he was scared of tentacles was more than obvious. They hardly ever talked about the topic but when they did Jimin didn't even try to hide his burning hatred for these foreign slimy creatures of hell, to use his words.

He wasn't even all that creative with the way he called them but Taehyung could tell just how disgusted he was by the thought of them by the look in his eyes.

Even so he had learnt to just ignore it. Aside from it Jimin was an absolute sweetheart, as much as you could call that little petty bitch a sweetheart. Taehyung still loved that little petty bitch. He still wasn't over his feelings for Jimin but he was sure he never would be and just like with everything else in his life he'd just come to term with it.

Spending days pitying himself wouldn't make his life any better.

"Hey Jin? Could you pass me the salt?" Taehyung asked, crossing his legs and looking at the older expectantly.

"Here." Jin held the salt shaker in Taehyung's direction and instead of grabbing it with his hands one of his tentacles did the job. Jin tsked in distaste.

"If you get any slime on it I swear I will make you clean it up." He warned and Taehyung shrugged his shoulders, watching as his tentacle added more salt to the plate Jin had given him earlier. His other tentacles were either still sleeping or were roaming around the room. Taehyung knew that they weren't slimy anyways. It's not like sitting in Jin's and Namjoon's shared apartment turned him on so much he would start producing slick.

"How has your day been, kid?" Jin asked, sitting down across from him, apparently finally content with the state his kitchen was in.

"Alright. Busy and I'm tired as fuck now, but in a good way. I finally got one of my assignments done and can take at least on day off from studying now." He explained.

Seokjin was the only person that knew about Taehyung's situation. Pretty much every small detail. Things he hadn't even told his parents out of embarrassment.

He had gotten to know the older when he first got into college. Namjoon had been the one to show them around on their first day around campus and of course Taehyung had befriended the good natured giant with dimples. Then he met Seokjin since he and Namjoon were basically inseparable.

He and Taehyung hardly talked back then, but in one of their conversations Seokjin mentioned having a friend who did have tentacles. Back then Taehyung had played with the thought of maybe sharing that small secret about him with Seokjin. He had decided against it, because he couldn't know how he would react anyways. Even if he did know someone like that that didn't mean he would trust Taehyung.

Not even a month later Taehyung had shown up at Seokjin's doorstep in the middle of the night, full on sobbing because Jimin had been talking shit again and he was feeling shitty and just needed someone to talk to that wasn't his parents, because his parents loved Jimin and he didn't want to tell them about it.

Seokjin had been understanding and had tucked Taehyung in, feeding him some chocolate and cradling him to sleep.

Ever since then Seokjin was the person Taehyung would go to at every minor inconvenience to bawl his eyes out and leave feeling well taken care of. The older was probably the main reason Taehyung had come to term with what he was. He had forced Taehyung to inform himself more about his species since all he had done so far was deny that all of that had anything to do with him.

So he went to the library since the internet was full of shit about his species and actually read a book about it for once. He found out a lot of stuff. Such as the fact that he actually was mainly human and just had traces of the DNA of aliens his ancestors had decided to fuck (because who wouldn't think fucking strange tentacle monsters in space was a great idea), in his genes. He also found out that if he was to have a child it most likely would have tentacles as well, but there was a small chance that he or she wouldn't.

He also found out that his tentacles were not meant to assault or fight like the internet made it sound, which was quite relieving, but instead there to help him with easy chores, like a couple of additional hands for doing laundry and cooking and shit. And of course, like he had known since that class in elementary school, for reproduction.

He learnt that against popular believe most of his species were really peaceful by nature but he also learnt that a high libido came with it as well. Something he had learnt the hard way, when he had tried not masturbating for a week when he was back in high school.

The only thing he could think about was sex and he had to stop his little project because he was slowly starting to lose control over when his tentacles would creep out, searching for any type of body contact.

"When will Jimin show up?" Taehyung was ripped out of his thoughts when he realized he and Jin were still in the same room. It took him a couple of seconds to gather his thoughts again.

"He should be here any second." Taehyung answered, holding his chopsticks up to his face, wanting to stuff it with noodles but stopping to stare at the small tentacle that was hovering right there between his mouth and the noodles. He sighed, swatting it away with his hand before finally being able to slurp some noodles into his mouth.

When he didn't focus on it his tentacles did whatever they wanted, which had led to situations where Taehyung would accidentally step on one of them and it would actually sulk and not do anything he wanted it to do for hours. Overall they just were a lot of work, but he had to admit he had grown quite fond of them again. He felt like he was never quite alone. Unlike he'd believed for so many years there was nothing malicious about them that would force him to randomly assault people someday.

"You know how he's doing?"

"I feel like he would be happier if he were to open up more to other people. He still sits alone in his courses and hardly ever hangs out with anyone from his dance class." Taehyung explained, feeling two of his tentacles play with his hair. He let them.

Seokjin pressed his lips into a thin line. "He still doesn't talk to anyone? You think it's shyness or what do you think might cause it?"

Taehyung shrugged his shoulders. "He always says he needs only me anyways and he would just compare others with me if he tried."

Jin held back any comments about Jimin obviously being as whipped as Taehyung.

"I mean..." Taehyung started, but was interrupted by a loud knock. His tentacles quickly disappeared in his back and he forced his t-shirt back into place properly.

Jin got up from his seat and opened the door to an excited looking Jimin. Ignoring Jin he stormed into the room and literally jumped Taehyung to hug him. "You won't believe what I saw on my way home. They still had those donuts you love so much at Dunkin' Donuts for once, so I bought like ten." He grinned broadly, pushing them into Taehyung's arms.

Neither of them noticed the way Jin mouthed a silent whipped in the background before grabbing their plates and cleaning them.

"Thank you Jiminie." Taehyung grinned, pecking the boy's cheek. Jimin was looking at his hair.

"That's adorable."

Taehyung furrowed his brows in confusion. "What is?"

"You braided your hair."

Taehyung silently swore at his tentacles. These little shits.


I love this<3

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