Chapter 2 - Who...

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"Hello James, you don't know me but I sure do know a lot about you, my name is Gavin Williams and I am the head of A.S.S.O" exclaimed Gavin.

A.S.S.O?" James said, I bit confused.

"A.S.S.O stands for Australian secret service organisation. We are like the MI6 of Australia."

"So your, spy's?."

"Well yes I guess so."

James couldn't comprehend all this, his auntie disappears and the head of Australia's secret service has suddenly appeared on his television.

"Listen James we need to talk about something, your parents, well they weren't killed in a car crash. In fact they weren't killed at all. They are alive James, your mum and dad.

This was to much for James, what the hell was going on, he flicked of the tv and ran outside only to find two emotionless figures standing at the end of the driveway, James looked at them a little closer. As he looked he noticed that one of the men had a partially burned face, the skin had peeled and what was left was a disgusting, mailed mess that by regular standards wouldn't of been recognised as a face. Suddenly a car screeched to a stop at the back of the house. And out stepped the man James had seen in the television, Gavin Williams. Although this time something about him seemed different. He was holding a tranquilliser gun.

"Hello James."

Before James had time to react the tranquilliser gun had been levelled to his stomach.

"No no no no no wait wait!!" James screamed.

But it was to late. James slowly started getting drowsy. Then he collapsed.

When James awoke he was in a bedroom, not his bedroom, this bedroom was different. There must have been a camera somewhere in the room because the minute he woke up in stepped Gavin.

"Sorry about that James, we would have had to bout a blindfold on you if you hadn't been shot."

"Listen I don't know who you are or what bullshit you have brought me into, but I want out, I have school and my auntie is missing." Hurried James.

"You see James that's where you are wrong, you auntie Nora is not missing. She is with us."

"Why is she with A.S.S.O"

"James, your family are spy's."

James Johnson - Secret operativeWhere stories live. Discover now