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Welcome to the second chapter! :3

- Pastel

[Mitch's POV]

   Over the past five years, they've taught me how to fight. Sword, staff, hammer, katana, machete, axe, bow and arrow. Even my bare hands. You name it, they've taught me how to fight with it properly. I'm good with everything they hand me. In fact, I'm fucking amazing.

   My real specialty though, was the bow and arrow.

   I currently stood in the middle of the room, holding a beautiful bow in hand, and arrows with sharp tips and clean fletchings. I stood on a metal platform, the walls made of glass so the scientists and guards and everyone else could watch. Government agents I didn't recognize stood by Mr. Mangle and Dr. Bailey.

Mr. Mangle spoke into the microphone and his voice rang out on a loud speaker. "Are you ready?" He grinned.

"When am I ever not?" I said back, staring him down.

He pressed a button on a control panel and immediately targets came at me. In a human shape, but built like a hologram. No damage could be done to me.

I knocked the arrow and fired, hitting the target in the chest. Another came towards me and I turned the other direction, not wasting a second, knocking another arrow and firing. I hit it in the chest as well. Each one fell apart and faded away after they crumbled to the ground.

Two targets spawned above, jumping down with me with what appeared to be spears in hand. I knocked an arrow and fired up at the one in the left who jumped down. I knocked another and immediately spun around and shot the arrow meanwhile dodging the holographic spear thrown at me. I hit each in the head.

Out of the corner of my eye I spotted three more running towards me with holographic knives and swords. I backed up off the metal platform and turned my bow sideways. I knocked three arrows at once each aiming towards the holograms. I fired and each arrow hit its mark. Each one straight in the head, straight between the eyes. They crumbled away and the hologram like figures faded.

No more came at me that I could see and I stared down Mr. Mangle. I smirked as I grabbed one last arrow and struck behind me, stabbing one last holographic figure with the arrow. It crumbled away like the rest.

"Very well, 005."

"Mitch. My name.. is Mitch." I said, panting slightly. He stared at me, eyes narrowed. "What was my time, asshole."

"Hey! Watch yourself boy or the next arrow will be in your skull.." one of the guards growled.

"It was a minute and 11 seconds." Mr. Mangle said unfazed by my profound language.

I nodded and slowly went up to the glass where the guard was standing. "Are you threatening me? Because it sure sounds like you're threatening me." I sneered, getting cocky.

The guard growled under his breath. "I said to watch yourself." He deeply said.

"Like your actually going to carry on with this threat. I know you need me for something. I know. I don't know what the hell what, but you wouldn't train me just to kill me. So why don't you just shut your big mouth up, or the next arrow will wind up in your skull!" I snickered softly.

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