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Updated Facility Owner Designs!
[Seto's POV]

I could hardly sleep that night the plan started. And my anxiety had risen drastically. So far the plan had worked. Early today Brice was able to slip the card into my side pocket without anybody noticing — which in all honesty was a miracle. Now I was alone in my cell for the night. Here is where things would get more complicated.

I took a small breath and reached into my pocket, pulling out the key card. It was green with silver lines along it and had a computer-like chip in a corner. As I held it in my hand I looked down at my cuffs. At one point I had been entrusted without them. However, I became more powerful and they grew anxious and suspicious.

I twisted my wrist a bit to angle the card in the right direction. Twirling it in my finger tips I creeped it along the cuffs, slowly towards the red blinking light. I was starting to get a cramp in my hand from the angle it was at. I had almost had it when it slipped from my finger tips and onto the mattress I was sitting on. With determination I grabbed it and tried again. My fingers and hands were sweaty from all this anxiety. They were shaking as I took a quick deep breath.

Almost... almost... beep! The key card chip went over the red light and it turned green. With a small beep and click the cuffs loosened and I quickly shimmied my wrists out of them. They lay open on the floor beside the mattress. I sighed in relief and stretched a bit, popping my knuckles. I kept the key card in my pocket for now.

I got to my feet and went over towards the door. I rested my hands upon it, about to feel for the tumblers with my telekinesis before having a thought. 'Maybe instead of leaving through the front door I should just teleport into the lab room..' I thought. Yeah, much better idea. I concentrated on the room and nodded my head; in an instant I had teleported myself in the lab room.

However the lights were off, and Brice wasn't there. I saw the bag and map however and put it on and folded the map into my pocket. I didn't know where the camera was in the room so I just had to hope the guard on night watch was asleep. "Brice..? Brice..!" I hissed out, looking around. He wasn't there.

I dreaded feeling came over me. Something has happened.. he said he would be here, and since he's isn't, that means he was probably found out.. and if he was found out.. that means..

All the sudden the lights in the building started to flash red and a deafening alarm went off. My eyes widened in panic and teleported out of the room, into the hallway, coming face to face with guards in front of me.

I quickly waved my hand to the side and two of the guards went sailing into the wall, crashing to the floor with a thud. I pushed my hand forward and the three others in front went sailing backwards all the way down the hall into some other guards who were coming. They crashed into a big heap. I had to keep moving. Find Brice...

I darted down the hallway and took a left, flinging guards into the wall and out of my way. Others I set on fire and others I entrapped in ice.

Turning a corner I ran straight into three guards who grabbed my arms, a third quickly pulling out the cuffs. I huffed and made the cuffs fly down the hallway far away from them. I struggled against the guards strength, but concentrating hard, I summoned some bright purple fire in my hands and it crawled up my arms, burning the guards hands. They let go and I broke free of them, sending the one in front down the hall and the two beside I crashed into one another. They collapsed in a heap in front of me.

I let the fire out. I couldn't hold it for long, otherwise I felt like I was going to overheat. I continued..

I was nearing the hallway where my cell was when I heard a familiar voice cry out and banging along with it.

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