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Do you know what the city and walls in the movie Divergent look like? Yeah, that's pretty much how big the wall is and how big the city is btw. Except the walls aren't see through; they are made entirely or concrete and metal (in case you were wondering). It's not grass plains though; it's a deep wooded area as you've read. This is just for the wall.

Also sorry for slowly going down in orang the of the chapters! :/ hopefully they will get longer again but this chapter only needed these two POVs.

How you enjoy all the same though! Thanks for the unending support! <3

— Pastel

[ Lady Irene's POV ]

We sat in my little office. The four of us sat there; me behind the desk and the three of them sitting in chairs.

They told me none of them were injured, but I told them that after this conversation they needed to go get checked out anyway.

"So, you're mad at us? Or, more specifially me?" Shelby asked with a soft glare.

I shook my head softly, "No. I am happy to have the three of you back safely. In fact, I  figured you would go out again. I just didn't think it would be last night."

"Then why are we talking?" Shelby asked.

"It's been complicated for a while now, hasn't it? Especially with you two." I looked back and forth from Max to Shelby. "We are having this conversation so I can enlighten you on some importnat things."

"Like what?" Cory asked, shifting in his chair. I saw the red light blinking on and off from his camera eye. He was always recording everything..watching everything..

"First off, you aren't leaving here for a while. I just want you safe and not dead, so in order to do that I need you stay here and not leave. Which means.. no more runs."

"What?" Max stood up quickly. "What do you mean no more runs?!"

"Max, don't get your panties in a wad, just listen!" I snapped and he flushed from my comment. "Sit down." He sat back down and glared at me for the comment. "I mean no more runs for you three. Including Alesa. She has been having a few mental breakdowns since you guys did not return with her. You should go find her after this and make she she knows you are okay. You guys will not be going on runs for a while."

"Then who will?" Cory shot back.

"I have arranged a new group of people to go and I have told them what thye need to do. Thay have essential skills in order to do the tasks they need. They have talked about it and made plans and have set things up. I go confirmation the five of them were ready to go when our next run is scheduled. And no, I will not tell you that date."

"This is absurd. They do not have experience outside this place! They do not know what it is really like and what they should make sure to watch out for! The three of us need to train them!" Cory sputtered.

"Exactly was Cory said!" Max chimed in. "Who are they; who is in the group?"

"I told you I am not telling you the date, and you do not need to know who thy are. They are prepared."

"What powers do they pocess? We can make sure they have the proper abilities in order to-" Shelby spoke.

"Enough!" I hissed and the three went quiet. "Enough." I said more calmly. "I do not tolerate this. The less you know, the less likely you are to interfere."

"That is not true at all. The more liekly we are to interfere." Shelby hit back.

I huffed softly and thought about that statement more clearly.

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