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[Jerome's POV]

   I rocked back and forth on my heels, trying to calm down. My breathing was fast, and as I rocked my breathing started to slow bit by bit.

I shivered, rubbing my arms a bit. I kept rocking and whispering to myself. "It's okay it's okay it's okay."

Nothing's okay.

"You'll be okay you'll be okay."

You'll never be okay again.

I panicked. I went crazy. I tugged and pulled and scratched and yanked. It wouldn't come off. They had latched some sort of muzzle over my mouth and nose. A little hole for my nose, and small little holes poked into the metal over my mouth. It was fashioned in a way where I could take it off.

They've turned me into a dog.

I have animal instincts.

A few weeks ago, they injected a serum into my gums, and the next day, my canines had grown bigger, sharper, and the rest of my teeth had been cut to resemble an animals set of teeth; much like a dog.

Animal. Animal. Animal.

Footsteps, then the bang on the door. Unlocking tumblers, then the door swings open. I quickly scooted into the corner in fear and try to shrink into the wall, hoping to disappear. I trembled, shaking my head at the guard coming towards me. He merely tugs at my arm sharply and I'm forced to stand up.

I walk with them down the hall, being tugged along when I slightly trip and stumble. I shivered. The hallway was cold. I only had on some shorts; they weren't keeping me warm at all. They had stripped me of clothing as a form of punishment. Humiliation, and they would freeze me for a few days.

I was too scared to do anything about it. I was too weak to do anything about it.

They took me to the lab, and forced me up onto the table. I curled up, trying to get warm and to have at least a sense of comfort.

   People came in and out, holding needles, bottles, clipboards, papers and surgical instruments. I couldn't move. I felt too weak to move, physically and mentally.

I had given up. I didn't believe in myself anymore, and I didn't believe my friends were alive anymore. They were probably all dead. Mitch.. was probably dead. Tears pinpricks my eyes. If they were all dead, I guess I didn't have any friends anymore. I didn't have anyone anymore. I was alone.

I'm surprised I had lasted this long if everyone else was dead. I guess I should just accept the fact everyone is gone, they aren't looking for me, they are all dead.

"Ready with the serum?" I head a doctor say in the background. Not Mr. Mangle.

"Yes, heres the needle, Doctor." Another Doctor says. Not Dr. Bailey.

"Please don't.." I whisper out, too quiet for anyone to hear.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and I'm forced to lay down on my back. I try to open my eyes but the blinding light above me prevents me from doing so.

"No.. please, you don't have to do this." Again, too quiet for anyone to hear. Especially behind the muzzle, it was like I wasn't even making a sound.

I feel a needle prick into me. I was so used to the needles I didn't even react. The needle was taken out of my arm and a few minutes later I felt tingly. I squirmed slightly and curled my toes and hands. It didn't hurt, but it felt weird.

   After a few seconds the feeling was gone. "What did that do?" I asked.

   "You'll see, if that is, it actually works." One of the doctors said to me, helping me sit up. I took a breath. I gripped the table, not hard at all, but the metal started to crush under my hand. I quickly lifted my hands and saw my hand imprinted into the table.

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