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[Mitch's POV]

I was free.. however I had only taken a few running steps when a loud siren went off. It blared and echoed over the field and I skidded to a halt and looked back towards the facility. The siren was going off from there.

I could hear some small booms coming from the building as well. They sounded like mini explosions.

I was confused, but a part of me was curious and intrigued. In my mind I told myself to keep running, but my body kept my feet rooted to the ground. A part of me wanted to run back. To see what was really happening.

I took one step towards the facility, however, that's when the deafening explosion boomed throughout the air. My eyes widened seeing the side of the building explode, smoke rising into the air. Cracks ran up the side of the building as the smoke escaped from the fragile infrastructure.

[Jason's POV - 30 Minutes Before]

I stood in the training room alone with my thoughts. For some reason I hadn't been told on what we were training on, so I decided to do my own thing. I waved my hand in a circular motion, palm down; I did the same thing with my opposite however I had it palm up and a little below my other hand. A small cloud of gray smoke  appeared and swirled around in a small ball. I controlled it though I felt the despairing energy it gave off.

The misty coal colored cloud not only killed any living thing in its path or whomever breathed it in, it also gave out a feeling of despair and loneliness. While I was immune to the deadly poison, I wasn't immune to the negative energy it gave. Every time I used this power a feeling of despair would wash over me. However to control my power I had to to think of something hopeful. I had to control the balance.

While I had been practicing my ability my mind had wandered; the cloud had dispersed. I had heard the whispers in the hallway as I came here. They spoke about a new technology and that it was finally ready and finally fully copied. It had been modified and that there were many copies now. I didn't know what this new thing was, but I had also heard something would be scheduled to happen tomorrow.

I sighed softly as I glanced towards the security cameras in the corners. Always watching. They had always been watching. My attention was drawn to the window as Mr. Adams walked in along with some other important looking officials and nervous scientists. I had been told some important people were coming to see me and monitor me so if I 'didn't act on my best behavior' I would be in trouble. That's the nice version of that statement.

I stood there and waited, giving them a blank expression. After about five minutes of what looked like to be intense talking a feeling washed over me; a feeling as if I knew something just happened. I felt cold and there were goosebumps on the back of my neck.

I watched as someone ran into the room and said something; she looked panicked and yelled urgently. Everyone's facial expressions changed as they ran out of the room and a second later guards came in. My heart pounded watching the guards run towards me. I quickly took a few steps back, losing a sense of control. Everything felt cold as a dark charcoal dust crawled and forked it's way along the ground beneath my feet. From my hands and my breath a heavy dark smoke filled the room.

I had lost control.. I couldn't reel it back. I couldn't focus enough to try. I didn't know what was happening.. I was so scared.

For some reason the guards didn't have on their gas masks. I watched as the guards before me stopped and started to choke. They hacked a drew wispy hoarse breaths as they shriveled and fell to their knees before me. Their eyes rolled into the back of their heads. They drew there last croaky breaths as I watched their skin wither away and crumble before me.

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