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[ Ty's POV ]

I stared at Jerome from across the room. I couldn't believe my eyes. Was it really him?

"Ty..?" He called out. My hands shook as we stared at each other. There was a look of utter shock on Jerome's face. "You.. what are you.. why are you..?" He huffed out. He couldn't get his words to form properly.

I shifted my wings behind me a bit and swung my tail softly around me to rest in front of my feet. I noticed he had on the same muzzle I had on. He didn't look much different from a normal human.

I didn't have any time to think. The intercom crackled and Mr. Mangle chuckled and spoke, "It's time to put your training and enhancements to the test, 006 and 003."

My tail swung dangerously back and forth, "What are you talking about?" I growled.

Mr. Mangle chuckled softly before he spoke. "I want to test out your abilities and strengths. Where your weaknesses are. My guards can barely fight against you. They simply die and I lose people. So, why not put you to a real test?"

"You want us to fight each other? You're mad. I'm not going to hurt him. He's a friend." I furrowed my brows.

"I figured you'd say something like that. Disagree with me. That's why I offer up a deal." Mr. Mangle spoke with a serious tone. He did not laugh and squeak like he normally did.

Jerome retorted, "Deal? I'm not taking any—"

"You should learn to listen before you speak. I think you'll find this deal.. worth taking. If you chose to fight, not only will you test out your own strengths and weaknesses against a worthy opponent, I'll give you something."

"Like what?" Jerome huffed.

"Well, I figured it would be pretty hard to convince you to fight each other. So, I give you privileges."

"Privileges?" I asked.

"Yes; you get more meals, cleaner clothes, maybe even a shower. That sounds pretty nice."

"So what?!" I roared.

"Oh, and not to mention, no more torture. I've done a lot to you two. You have many scars.. everywhere."

I looked down at myself. I frowned and bit my lip. A chance of my scars not growing? It was honestly something to consider..

"Considering it? I think you'd better. There's more too, and I'll tell you more if you agree. However, turn down this deal and I'll have no choice but to do the exact opposite. Punishment everyday, harder and more painful. I mean, lessons must be learned. You'll have more scars and more and more. You're life will be even more miserable than it already is. And, I'll simply make you fight everyday. Everyday until you do so." Mr. Mangle urged on.

I was tempted. I had to admit, I was tempted. No more pain, and no more hurting? No more scars and a chance to freshen up myself? I mean, a little pain now will be the end of it, right?

"And, to sweeten the deal, whoever wins will get this package. Who knows, maybe I'll let you outside? See the sky? You haven't seen it in a while.."

I bite my lip and suck in a breath. It was so tempting. But I couldn't. It wouldn't be right. I couldn't betray Jerome like this. I wouldn't. I shook my head. "No.. I won't do it. I'll go through the torture if I have to. But I'm not hurting a friend. I can't. You can't expect me to—"

But Jerome had swiftly walked up to me and punched me in the side of my head. I staggered and was in a complete daze. I doubled over and held my head in pain. I winced as I supported myself against the wall. I looked up at Jerome with wide eyes who was advancing on me. I dived out of the way of a punch.

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