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"I know you like Felix." That's all Jisung said to me this morning. Not even a hello.

I tried to run as soon as he spoke, but he grabbed my arm.

To say I was scared was an understatement.

"You can't tell anyone." Was all I could say as he dragged me outside to the bleachers. I held in some tears, just repeating that phrase. "You can't."

He hugged me. Then I really started crying.

If Jisung knew, how many others knew too? How did he even find out? Who else is gonna find out?

"It's okay, I won't tell anyone. Just calm down, okay?" He reassured me, pulling me over to the bleachers so that we could sit down. "You're okay, Chan." He finally let go of me, his eyes full of concern, one of his hands still on my back as I tried to stop crying. "Why didn't you tell us? Or, tell me at least?"

He rubbed circles into my back while I hung my head. I couldn't look at him. "I thought maybe it would go away if I didn't talk about it..."

"Did it?"

I shook my head, leaning into Jisung. "It just got worse and worse, Jisung. I-I think I-" I stopped myself. If I said it, then maybe whatever I was feeling really wouldn't go away. "You can't tell anyone." My voice was quiet as he held me there, hugging me while the bell rang for our first class.

"I won't tell a soul. Promise."

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