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"Where's Chan?" Jisung hadn't seen the blonde all day, which was unusual since the three had been hanging out everyday for the past month. And he would've told Jisung if he had been sick and stayed at home.

"Who cares? Let's go." Changbin took hold of Jisung's arm, ready to drag him away.

"I care, he's our friend. Now, where is he?" He keeps looking for the blonde while Changbin tugs at his arm.

"Jisung lets just go, I'm hungry-"

"There he is! Chan!" He spots the blonde with his head down as he steps out of one of the hallways branching off the main entrance hall. His head shoots up as he hears his name, catching eyes with Jisung. The blonde widens his gaze as he recognizes who called out for him. Jisung took a step back as he saw the boy, a large purple bruise on his left cheek. "H-he's hurt." Pulling his arm out of Changbin's grip, he makes a run for it towards the boy who is already looking for a way out. "Chan!"

Chan didn't know where to go as he saw Jisung getting closer and closer. As he began to take off back down the hall he came from, he felt a hand on his shoulder.

It was easy to tell who it was.

"Chan? What happened? Who hit you? Because I'll hit them back twice as hard I swear-"

"Jisung, stop." Chan's voice was quiet as he was spun around, facing jisung but no longer looking at him. "It's nothing, just leave me alone." The blonde gripped his backpack straps tightly as Changbin finally caught up to them.

"You heard him, let's go."

"No wait, Chan, look at me." He put two fingers under the blonde's chin in order to force their eyes to meet. Jisung could see tears in the eyes he looked into, but those eyes were more focused on who was behind him. Jisung looked at the bruise carefully. "Who hit you?" He spoke softer this time.

Chan opened his mouth but no words came out.

"You hit him?"

Felix appeared out of nowhere with his five friends trailing behind, all their eyes on Chan momentarily before looking at the boy behind Jisung.

"You think I told you all that, and gave you the notebook, just so you could hit him?"

Chan felt his world shatter at the sound of those words.

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