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"I heard he dropped out."

"Well he had to, did you hear what Changbin did to him? I thought they were friends..."

"I heard he was in love with Changbin's ex...kind of a dick move if you ask me."

"You can't help how you feel about someone though, and Chan is so nice I bet he didn't even do anything about it. He loves his friends."

Felix slammed his locker shut, startling the gossiping teens around him who had yet to notice the blond's presence.

"Can't you all just mind your own fucking business for once?" He snapped, furiously combing his fingers through his hair before storming off down the hall.

It was early in the morning, meaning that Felix's friends had yet to arrive at school which left him alone to find something to entertain himself. But, right now he was just fuming after having to listen to so many people gossip about things they knew absolutely nothing about.

Chan didn't ruin anything. That was all Changbin who ruined their relationship. Felix had barely seen Chan throughout the entirety of the relationship, anyway, which he now knows the reasons why, but still, you can't ruin something if you're never there.

As Felix neared the cafeteria, where he usually sat in the mornings so that he could use his phone or laptop, he thought back to when him and Changbin had seen Chan sobbing into Jisung's chest. The memory pained him. Felix would've never imagine how much Chan had bottled up inside of him, just so that he wouldn't upset Changbin.

Felix felt guilty for giving his ex-boyfriend Chan's private notebook. He should've just returned it without a second thought.

Maybe then Chan would be happy.

He would continue to admire Felix from afar, bottled up emotions and all as he let out his frustrations in that small black notebook. Eventually he would move on to a different notebook, and Felix wouldn't have an inkling of what those pages held.

Instead, Felix sat on a cafeteria bench, playing with his phone as he tried to get the horrible suspicions he had about what had happened to the boy out of his head. He remembered the bruise his ex had left on the blond's cheek the first time, he could only imagine what the older might've done this time.

If only Felix had noticed Chan first, instead of his best friend.

Suddenly, his phone vibrated in his hand. He checked the notification, frowning in confusion at the message that Minho had sent him.

Turn around you idiot.

Locking his phone, Felix complied as he stood and turned, nearly tripping over his own two feet as he rushed towards the blond boy who stood in the middle of his friends (including Jisung, who had somehow become a part of the small group).

Chan had a bandage on his forehead, a blackened eye, and his right arm in a cast but that didn't matter to Felix as he ran straight towards him and pulled him into a hug as tight as he could without hurting the boy even more.

"I missed you so fucking much." Felix whispered into Chan's neck as he buried his face into it.

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