for the sake of those unspoken words

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Some words are better left unsaid, so they say.
And I have to admit that I disagree.
For me, everything should be 'speakable'.
I don't like to -- i mean, i can't -- keep feelings or thoughts.
Unspoken words always haunt me, demanding their rights to jump on to the ocean of meaning. And I have to be careful, very careful, not to let them slip away from my cage of mind.

Not saying something you think or feel makes things complicated. It makes you trapped in your own perspective and
blinded by your own prejudice, your very own a priori.

Again, it tortures

It's like having a delicious cherry pie on your menu, staring at it, wanting it, but not allowed to bite it. It just makes you crazy

In relationships, in life, the energy should flow.
Be it negative, or destructive the resulted chaos would however find the anti-climax to get back in to order again.
It takes time, I know. But the zero-point would eventually appear and offer its peaceful neutrality; its nothingness.

One should 'clean' the soul to keep on growing.

And throwing away -- i mean, sharing -- your feelings and thoughts is one way to keep clean.

But, what do I know.
Who am I to say.
I love words and I mean each word I say.

Unfortunately, some people don't

Yes, I know.
Words can hurt.
Words can lie.
Words are tricky
So, maybe they're right: some words are better left unsaid.
Therefore, I write.
*for the sake of those unspoken words**

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