Seven Minutes In Heaven

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"We don't have to play the game if you don't want to," said Adrien gently as he and Marinette sat down in the closet.

"We can if you want to," said Marinette and yelped in surprise when as she was sitting down Adrien pulled her hand so she landed in his lap.

"I like you Marinette, and if you would like to we can play the game," said Adrien their faces inches apart.

"I like you to Adrien that is the reason why I can't even speak properly in front of you most of the time," said Marinette as their noses touched slightly.

"You are the cutest person in the world when you do that," said Adrien closing the distance between their mouths and kissing her gently.

Marinette tangled her hands in his soft golden locks. Adrien put one hand on his back and one on the back of her neck, keeping her in the kiss.

 Adrien put one hand on his back and one on the back of her neck, keeping her in the kiss

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Adrien and Marinette broke apart breathless. "Woah," said Marinette blushing a deep red.

"I know how you feel," said Adrien running his hand up and down her back, when they heard a beep outside.

"Guys your time is up," said Alya from outside the door.

"Okay," said Marinette getting off of Adrien's lap and standing up.

They both walked back out of the closet and sat back down in the circle.

"Well, it's your turn now, Max. His dare, while you two were in there, was to pour paint on Lila's head which he did," said Kim.

"Alya truth or dare?" asked Max.

"Dare, all the way dude," said Alya getting an evil glint in her eyes.

"I dare you to do seven minutes in heaven with Nino," said Max and he pushed Alya and Nino into the closet.

"Well while we wait I will go," said Alix when they started hearing moaning from the closet.

"I think that they will need more than seven minutes," said Kim.

"Yeah" everyone else agreed and then started laughing.

"Well, Adrien truth or dare?" asked Alix with an evil glint in her eye.

"I'll go with a dare," said Adrien and then gulped when he saw the evil glint in her eyes.

"I dare you to sleep by Marinette tonight," said Alix laughing at how red they got.

"Ummmm okay I guess," said Adrien as he snaked his arm around Marinette.

"Well, truth or dare Sabrina?" asked Adrien looking to her.

"Umm truth," said Sabrina.

"Why are you Chloe's friend she is so mean to you and uses you," said Adrien.

"She was the first friend I ever had, I was really shy and when we were in kindergarten she was nice but after her mom left she changed. But sometimes I can still see her as the girl I first met," said Sabrina thinking back on the memory.

"That is very nice Sabrina," said Max hugging her.

"Thanks anyways Nathaniel truth or dare?" asked Sabrina looking over to him to get his answer.

"I choose truth," said Nathaniel hoping it wouldn't be that bad.

"If you one day woke up as the opposite gender what would be the first thing that you do?" asked Sabrina curious about his answer.

"I would SCREAM, that would be so creepy," said Nathaniel shuddering at the thought.

"I agree with Nathaniel that would be so so so creepy, the first thing I would do would be scream too," said Marinette after she thought about it for a moment.

"Well, Juleka truth or dare?" asked Nathaniel.

"Umm dare I guess," said Juleka not knowing what to pick.

"I dare you to tell us the last ten things that you searched," said Nathaniel.

"Okay that's easy," said Juleka whipping out her phone.

"Okay tell us," said Kim.

"I searched for myself to see what was online, Andre's ice cream truck, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child book, Harry Potter memes, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets the full movie, Harry Potter fanfic, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone full movie, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry Potter-themed nails, and the tenth thing was the most popular ice cream flavors in the world," said Juleka looking at her phone.

"You like Harry Potter?" asked Kim.

"Umm yeah, I mean Harry Potter is amazing, do you have a problem with that?" asked Juleka.

"No," said Kim.

"I agree with Juleka I love Harry Potter it is so cool," said Marinette.

"Okay well let's move on shall we," said Max.

"Okay well truth or dare Alix?" asked Juleka.

"Truth," said Alix.

"When did you first start liking Kim?" asked Juleka honestly interested.

"After the first bet we ever made," said Alix turning red.

"That's so cute," said Marinette looking at Kim's blushing face.

"Well now it's my turn so Marinette truth or dare?" asked Alix.

"Ummm dare," said Marinette and then immediately regretting it.

"I dare you to..." said Alix an evil spark in her eye.

"You dare me to do what?" asked Marinette scared.

"You have to sleep by Adrien tonight so I dare you to sleep by him in only your undergarments," said Alix smirking at her face of outrage, and embarrassment. (I got this idea from another Wattpad story I read. But it is different.)

"N-n-no no NO," said Marinette gripping wrist to calm her down.

"Mari calm down," said Adrien grabbing her hand to calm her down.

"No I am sure as HELL NOT doing that," said Marinette letting Adrien pull her next to him.

"You have to-it's a dare girl," said Alix.

"Anyway I think that it's time for bed," said Kim fake yawning.

Hi, I hope that you like this chapter. Comment truths and dares down below, but if you don't feel like it, I get it. Please be nice in the comments though. Thank you so much for reading my fanfic I apologize if it isn't very good.

 Thank you so much for reading my fanfic I apologize if it isn't very good

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Stay positive, and never let anyone get you down.

-Bye, and stay miraculous JJ

1037 words; edited July 29

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