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Nobodies POV

Steve walks to Daenerys door and goes to knock but his fist hits the air instead of the door, Daenerys had opened the door before his fist can connect.

Daenerys smiles as Steve awkwardly coughs as he straightens himself up. "Sorry." Daenerys says

Steve smiles "no it's fine." Steve says "so how do I look, Nat picked it out." Daenerys says motioning to her attire.

Steve's throat dries up as he looks down at her form. She looked gorgeous.

"You look great." Steve says after he dislodged the lump from his throat. Daenerys gives him a smile.


Steve and Daenerys walk to the area they last ran out, "I have to ask, you've been smiling a lot more often." Steve says

"What do you mean." Daenerys ask "well on the first week of staying with us in the Avengers tower you were cold and unsmiling." Steve says

Daenerys sighs and kicks a pebble as they continue foward "I couldn't accept the fact that my brother was a murder or that I was here on earth. I felt stuck and all I thought from that moment on was, I need to finish this and the sooner I'm done the sooner I go home, but as the days passed I knew I wasn't going home anytime soon." Daenerys says

Steve sighs "I'm sorry." Steve says

Daenerys smiles "it's fine, I'm accepting earth and all its quirks for example 'workout clothes' I'm sorry It is weird." Daenerys says

Steve lets out a laugh, clutching his stomach. Daenerys smiles laughing. "Yeah laugh away, Rogers." Daenerys says

Steve smirks "oh I will." Steve says. Daenerys playfully glares at the blonde and takes off running "race ya!" Daenerys yells

"Cheater." Steve yells and takes off after her

All that can be heard that sunday morning was the laughter of the two supers as they chased after each other.


The two were still laughing as they exit from the elevator. Daenerys was breathless but Steve was close to collapsing, his body was sore from attempting to keep up.

"Well it seems like you two enjoyed yourselves." Natasha says smirking

Steve smiles "yeah well we had a good run." Steve says and walks off

"Wow what did you do to him." Natasha ask Daenerys. Daenerys looks at her confused "what do you mean." Daenerys ask

"When I first met him he had a stick so far up his ass you can practically see it come out from his throat." Natasha says Daenerys furrows her eyebrows in concern "that could kill him, how is he still alive." Daenerys ask

Natasha laughs and walks off.


Daenerys stands in her room her clothes in hand. Daenerys eyes the unwanted figure on her bed. "Stark I want to change." Daenerys says

Tony pouts "aww but I want to do stuff with you." Tony says drawing a finger up and down the bed. "I'm tired and not in the mood, go before I'm tempted to show you just how alike me and my brother are." Daenerys says

Tony juts his lip out even more "pwetty pwease." Tony says in a baby voice "Stark I swear." Daenerys says a dagger appearing in her hand.

"Fine." Tony huffs and gets off the bed and walks out the room.


Daenerys lays in her bed reading, though her mind was elsewhere. Daenerys was thinking of Steve, she was growing feelings for him.

Daenerys didn't like the feeling she gets around him, an knowing that she won't be able to act on it, yeah she had sex with Tony but that was it. She doesn't love him.

The only man Daenerys had truly loved was Heimdall but Odin ruined that. Odin forbidden her from seeing him, saying that she was a Royal and would marry someone of his choosing.

Daenerys hated her life in Asgard, she was not one of them. Daenerys knew she couldn't be more then what she is and she knew she won't be able to have the freedom of happiness.

Daenerys sighs, she'll let herself be happy in til she gets home.


Hours later, the sky had gone dark, it was night.

Steve sits in the living room reading. Steve jumps in fear when he feels breathing coming down his neck. Daenerys chuckles and jumps over the couch and sits besides him.

"Sorry." Daenerys says, even though it was obviously intentional

Steve smiles "it's fine." Steve says and puts his book away "I thought you would be in bed." Daenerys ask "yeah well I have trouble sleeping so I decided to sit here and read for a bit." Steve says

"Well I can't help with the sleep unless I tire you out, but you won't approve of my methods so I'll just sit here with you." Daenerys says

Steve smiles "that's nice, thank you." Steve says "it's no problem, I like your company." Daenerys says

Steve blushes.

Steve clears his throat "so about yesterday when we shifted into are animals, I was planning to call a team meeting and discuss are heat and rut cycles and later on we hit the gym to train as a team. We didn't get to do much last time, we got distracted from all that mind reading." Steve says "sorry about that." Daenerys says

"No it's fine, it makes are job easier, if only they were mature about it." Steve says

Daenerys lets out a laugh "yes they are rather immature." Daenerys says "well there good people." Steve says smiling

"Well I'll be at this meeting, when is it." Daenerys ask "tomorrow at 12." Steve says "will we still go on are run." Daenerys ask "yeah." Steve says

Daenerys smiles "that's good I enjoy are time together." Daenerys says

Steve blushes

"So do I." Steve says

After a pause "what else are we going to talk about in the meeting." Daenerys ask "well are heat and rut cycles are pretty much it, we need to be prepared. The rest can come in time." Steve says "well I can hear the jokes already." Daenerys says

Steve chuckles "well if they get to much you can tell me." Steve says "I grew up besides Loki, I dealt with teasing all my life." Daenerys says

Steve smiles "I have to ask, what are you the god of." Steve ask

"well I'm pretty much like my brother, the goddess of mischief but I do have my own name, two in fact but it's not exactly something I'm proud of." Daenerys says

"What is it." Steve ask curious

"I would like to tell you but not even my family knows, just my father. If I told you, you would look at me differently." Daenerys says

"I don't think I would." Steve says softly. Daenerys smiles "your sweet, but there are many things you don't know about, and if you knew you probably wouldn't be sitting next to me." Daenerys says

"Well we will never know." Steve says "maybe one day." Daenerys says

Steve smiles "one day." Steve says

It's Magic (Steve R., Bucky B., Thor) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now