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Nobodies POV

The portal behind Daenerys shuts.

The goddess herself glares at the cold planet. Hate filling her being.

Odin or should I say Loki appears as well, the same look on his face.

"I hate this bloody place." Daenerys says

Loki changes into his original Asgardian form.

"Let's get this over with." Loki says


The twins trek through jotunheim. Eyes wide as they take in the massacre.

"There all dead." Daenerys says

"Why did Thanos do this." Loki ask

"We won't find the answer here, Thanos is long gone." Daenerys says

Suddenly the twins are attacked.

A frost giant swings his sword a second time at the two.

Loki and Daenerys dodge only to be pinned.

Two other frost giants hold the twins down, touching there skin making there eyes widen.

The twins watch as there skin turns into a deep blue.

The frost giant attacking them stops. "Your Jotun, like us." The man says

"We are." Loki says reluctantly.


The five gather in the throne room ontop of a mountain.

"State your business." The Jotun that had attacked them demands. He currently resides on the throne. He was the current ruler.

"We came searching for Thanos." Daenerys says, she was still in her jotun form.

There was an up roar. The giant on the throne stands enraged.

"That tyrant isn't to be spoken, haven't you seen the pain he caused us." The jotun exclaims

"I apologize, we don't want to bring up any unwanted memories but he has my daughter and all I want is to bring her home." Daenerys says

The king Jotun sighs.

"You know, if Laufey were still alive, he would have you killed on the spot, for beinging runts alone but he's dead and I'm now the king. I will let you live. Now for introductions. I'm Byleistr, welcome home, brother, sister." Byleistr says

Daenerys and Loki were shocked.


After there initial shock. Byleistr introduces them to there other brother Helblindi.

"You must hate us for killing Laufey." Daenerys says

"We do not hate you, Laufey was a horrible ruler and a horrible father." Helblindi says

"And a horrible husband." Farbuati says

The twins stare at the female Jotun. They were looking at there birth mother.

"Welcome home My loves." Farbuati says


"Your father took you both from my arms, I couldn't fight him or chase after him. I lost you both." Farbuati says

Loki takes his sister's hand for support. Daenerys tightens her grip.

"My little Asta and Baldur." Farbuati sobs, caressing her children's cheeks.

"Asta, Baldur." Daenerys ask

Farbuati smiles sadly.

"That was to be your names but Laufey didn't give me even that. Asta means Divine beauty which as I look at you now, it was perfect." Farbuati says

A tear rolls down Daenerys cheek.

Odin and Laufey took her from her birth mother, one she knew she would love. Not that Daenerys doesn't love Frigga, oh she does but she could've had a life with her birth mother.

Farbuati turns to Loki.

"And Baldur, Bearer of light. My little boy, my first born." Farbuati says

Loki leans his head against his birth mother. Odin took this away.


Loki and Daenerys dance with the frost giants.

Eyes sparkling with joy. Laughter filling the air.

Helblindi spins his sister, roaring with laughter as Loki trips.

Daenerys laughs with him. Mischief seems to run in there blood.


"Jotunheim is alot more beautiful once we look away from all that betrayal, all that hate we had for Laufey." Daenerys says

"Jotunheim was always meant for greatness, Laufey did ruin that." Byleistr says

"I hated this place because of him." Daenerys says

"Well he's gone, how do you feel now." Byleistr says

"I would love to bring my son here, one day." Daenerys says "you have a son." Byleistr exclaims, happily.

"I do, his name is Peter and he's the most gorgeous little thing." Daenerys says

Byleistr smiles.

"Bring him one day and we can welcome him to the family, a jotun blessing. We can bless you and Loki as well." Byleistr says

"I would love that." Daenerys says


Loki and Daenerys walk into the room there going to use for the night.

"I wish we grew up here." Loki says

"As do I but I wouldn't be with the Avengers or I wouldn't have Peter or ever met Frigga. I'm glad for my life now, at least were here now." Daenerys says

Loki nods smiling.

There was a new light in the twins eyes, there Jotun forms no longer disgusting them as they did before.


2 days later.

"Do you have to go." Helbindi ask

"We do, my illusion can only do so much without getting suspicious." Loki says

"And my husbands is expecting me." Daenerys says

"Still can't believe you married that oaf." Byleistr says "he may be a little bit of an air head but he has a good heart." Daenerys says

"Well do return soon, I just got you both back, I plan to keep you in my life." Farbuati says

The family enters a group hug.


Loki and Daenerys say there goodbyes to each other.

"Tell Tony and Peter I said hi." Loki says disappearing.


Daenerys joins Thor and the other in the Bahamas.

Yes she was disappointed on not finding Diana but she met her birth family.

"So what was that about making it up to me." Thor ask, smirking.

Daenerys rolls her eyes fondly at her husband, pushing him back on the bed.

It's Magic (Steve R., Bucky B., Thor) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now