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Nobodies POV

"What!" Steve exclaims

"Asgardian laws are different but there their..... And then there's the annoying fact that me and Thor aren't actually siblings, Odin wants me to marry him because he believes that I will help lead Asgard to greatness." Daenerys says

"But you were raised as siblings, that's got to mean something." Steve ask

He doesn't want Daenerys to force herself into that marriage, not just so Odin can have more power.

"Odin doesn't care Steve, he will have us married. In Asgard or any other planet that isn't earth, siblings marrying isn't illegal. Royals want to keep the bloodline strong so they marry there cousin or any one of there blood." Daenerys says

"I'm sorry that you have to force yourself to believe that." Steve says

"Royalty don't get happiness." Daenerys says "same goes for heroes." Steve says


Daenerys and Steve sit side by side in silence, taking every last bit they have together.

Daenerys knew that this wasn't goodbye to one another, it was goodbye to the possibly of 'them'.

"I'm not giving up on you." Steve whispers

"What." Daenerys ask

Daenerys turns to face Steve.

"I've waited so long for happiness and you gave me that, I'm not letting go." Steve says "I'm getting married, Steve." Daenerys says

"I never said this was going to be easy." Steve says

Daenerys smiles "well you don't get anywhere with easy." Daenerys whispers "trust me kitten I will not stop in till I have you." Steve says

Daenerys kisses the corner of Steve's mouth "I'll be waiting." Daenerys whispers

Steve's mouth quirks up in a boyish smile, making Daenerys blush.

Steve gapes at her, he actually made her blush "don't look at me like that." Daenerys says hiding herself in his arms, burying her head in his chest.

Well now he knows how to get her all flustered, all he needs to do is turn up the Brooklyn charm.


Daenerys leaves the library with a small smile, she truly cares for Steve, he's an amazing man.

Daenerys walks back to the village to pick up her daughter for the picnic.

"Mommy finally." Diana exclaims running up to her mother.


Daenerys stands infront of the same mirror as last time, though this time she was wearing the wedding dress.

The seamstress wants to see if there needs to be any final modifications.

"Perfect." The seamstress says and backs away to admire her work "you look like a queen." Natasha says

Steve told the other Avengers about the wedding and they all stood by her side.

"Well that's promising." Odin says walking into Daenerys chambers

Daenerys and Natasha glare at the Allfather "what are you doing here." Daenerys ask "I'm here to give you a gift." Odin says

Daenerys hesitantly takes the box, Daenerys takes the lid off and lifts a eyebrow. "The armour and weapons are for Diana, for when she is older. The headdress is what I'm giving you. It's made of tiny little ice crystals, a jotun bridal crown." Odin says

Daenerys didn't know what to say.

Daenerys hates her heritage but the headdress was beautiful and it was a amazing gift.

"Thank you." Daenerys says

Odin smiles "your still my daughter Daenerys. It's just this wedding will save a lot of lives, you'll understand, one day." Odin says

Odin stares at the women before him, pride shinning his eyes. Odin turns giving her one last look before leaving.

Daenerys was left struck.

"Wow." Natasha says


Daenerys settles down on her bed, ready to sleep when suddenly there knocking at her door.

Daenerys stands and heads over, opening the door.

Thor stands on the other side drunk out of his mind, a goofy smile on his face. "Thor what are you doing here." Daenerys ask worried

"Dany my bride, I want to give you a kiss for luck." Thor slurs

Thor lurches foward and smothers her face with his lips, Daenerys laughs lightly pushing him away "come on you big oaf, lets get you to bed, we have a big day ahead of us." Daenerys says

Daenerys leads Thor to her bed knowing that Thor wouldn't cooperate if she tried to walk him to his room.

"Oh are we going to have the sex." Thor ask posing on the bed with what he believes to be a sexy pose, Daenerys laughs and tugs his boots off.

"You silly oaf." Daenerys says

Daenerys takes off any metal or hard material and helps him under the sheets "you always take care of me, thank you." Thor says his words still heavily slurred but there was real emotion

"Always." Daenerys whispers


Daenerys stands besides her window, looking out, a glass of carrot juice in hand. Daenerys closes her eyes as the cold air hits her face.

Daenerys turns when she hears mumbling coming from The bed.

Daenerys smiles, placing a hand on her stomach.

It's Magic (Steve R., Bucky B., Thor) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now