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Nobodies POV

Daenerys and Thor pack Peter's little backpack, they were staying over at Tony's place. The Avengers plan to have dinner and meet the infamous James Rhodes, Aka 'Rhodey'.

Thor smiles as he straps the bag on his step sons back, kissing his brunette head.

Thor and Daenerys don't need to pack because they can summon a fresh pair of clothes.

Thor learned how to by Daenerys, he wanted to learn more of illusion magic ever since the 'death' of Loki.

Daenerys brushes Peter's hair to the side, kissing his chubby cheek.

Peter smiles and kisses her's in return.

"Come on little one." Thor says and hoist the little hybrid onto his back.

Peter exclaims in glee, he loves begin ontop Thor's shoulders, it makes him feel tall and powerful.

The small family make there way to the tower, Steve joins them.


"Pete." Tony exclaims, taking the little toddler from the god.

"Daddy." Peter exclaims

Peter grabs his fathers cheeks and headbutts him lightly, a small show of affection.

Daenerys smiles and places his bag on the couch.


The elevator dinges and opens to reveal a man dressed in military garb.

"Honeybear." Tony exclaims

The Avengers smile at the term of endearment.

"Tones." Rhodey says

The two hug.

Pepper walks up from the elevator typing away on her phone, only looking up when Peter calls out to her.

Peppers lips bloom into a fond smile, capturing the small hybrid in a hug.


Everyone was gathered around the giant dinning table.


"So this 14 year old kid just came onto me, trying to get out of a major scolding. I mean Tony really tried but I mean he's a minor, but he was persistent." Rhodey says

"What did he do." Steve ask

"He blew up the science lab." Rhodey says

Everyone laughs.

Tony rolls his eyes, a fond smile playing on his lips.

"Don't get any ideas." Tony says, pointing to his son. "No promises." Peter teases

Tony mock gasp.

"Did my son just sass me." Tony ask in mock offense

"He's turning into Daenerys more and more everyday." Natasha teases

"That's a terrifying thought." Daenerys says

Everyone laughs.

"No I'm with her, a mini Daenerys is no joke." Thor says, totally serious.

Daenerys bites her lip, smiling.

"Memories." Daenerys breaths, having a far off look, like she was having a flashback.



A loud scream radiates through the halls of Asgard.

It's Magic (Steve R., Bucky B., Thor) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now