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Nobodies POV

Dozens of servants were hustling around the palace, finishing the final preparations for the wedding.

The Avengers walk into the dinning hall "so this is really happening." Bruce ask looking around

Steve was not as in awe as the others, he was losing the women he loves.

"Oh God these are gorgeous." Natasha says lightly touching the rose's that were placed in the center of a table.

The rose's were a beautiful ruby red, but instead of black the tips were gold.

"Daenerys favorite flower." Thor says

Thor walks over to the fellow Avengers, he seemed alot better then last night. "I've seen the gardens, these aren't from here." Fury says

"No there not, these are from earth." Frigga says walking up from behind her son

The Avengers do a small bow in a show of respect "oh please, your my daughter's friends no need to be so formal." Frigga says smiling

"Mother why aren't you with Daenerys." Thor ask

"She wants Loki so I'm off to fetch him." Frigga says "where is Loki by the way." Clint ask "I thought Thor told you." Frigga ask

"Actually he hasn't." Tony says

"I'll tell you later, after the wedding." Thor says

The Avengers nod, of course Steve already knew but he forgot to mention it to the others, but he wasn't really all there, all he thought about was the wedding.

"Thor why aren't you in your chambers preparing, the servants said that you ran off." Odin says

"I just wanted to check if everything is perfect." Thor says

Odin makes a face "like I would believe that." Odin says "fine." Thor grunts and walks off towards his bedroom, where his servants are waiting to dress him.

The Avengers shake there heads amused.


Daenerys stands infront of the mirror, staring at her laced covered form. Her wedding dress was gorgeous but she would've rathered a green then a gold. Odin was the one to chose all the colors; white, gold and red.

"No matter the colors you still look gorgeous." Loki says

Daenerys smiles sadly, taking her brothers hand "thank you for being here." Daenerys says

"Always." Loki says


Thor stands in his chamber's, his servants putting on his ceremonial garb. The wedding was in two hours and the reception was in three.

Then there was the consummation, Thor wanted this day to end perfectly.

Thor grunts when the servant tightens his belt "you look like a king, my son." Odin says entering the room

"You promised me that you would reconsider." Thor says

"This day must go perfect and I said I will think about it." Odin says "why is this wedding so important to you father." Thor ask "don't worry my son, one day you'll understand." Odin says

"Your taking away Daenerys chance at happiness." Thor says "she will be happy and she will fall for you, just like you will for her." Odin says

"I hope all of this is worth it." Thor says.


Steve smiles as a fully dressed Diana skips up to him "well look at you, you look stunning." Steve says

Diana blushes.

"I wish it was you who was marrying mommy." Diana says

"Me to." Steve says

Diana smiles and gives the blonde a hug "thank you for being so nice to me." Diana says "of course." Steve says

"Steve." Tony calls out

Steve turns to the small man "what." Steve ask "we have to get ready the wedding starts in a hour and a half." Tony says

Steve nods

Steve turns to the little Asgardian "well see you soon." Steve says

Diana smiles happily and skips away.


Daenerys hears her room door slam open "oh incoming." Loki warns

A fond smile playing at his lips.

Diana launches herself at her mother, Daenerys laughs hughing her "Diana careful, you could've hurt yourself." Daenerys says "sorry mommy I'm just so excited." Diana says

"Well so am I." Daenerys lies

"I can't believe your marrying uncle Thor." Diana says "remember Diana he isn't your uncle." Loki says "yes sweetheart, Thor is going to be your step father." Daenerys says

"I'm going to have two fathers." Diana ask excited "yes you are." Daenerys says smiling

Loki can see the pain in his sisters eyes and knew that her fate was certain, he just hopes she will fall in love with Thor, there is no fate worse then to be tied down to the man you don't love.

"Now Diana you must go with Frigga, the wedding is about to start." Loki says

Diana pouts

"But I want to be with mommy." Diana says "I want to have you here with me as well but its not appropriate for the bride to come with her daughter." Daenerys says

"Fine." Diana huffs

Daenerys kisses her daughters head and watch's as she leaves through the door.

"Diana is so innocent, I wish it would stay like that." Daenerys says "so do I." Loki says

Loki moves towards a small table.

"Now for the finishing piece." Loki says

Loki lifts the headdress and gently places it on Daenerys head, Loki moves pieces of her hair so it stays in place. Daenerys smiles at her big brother "thank you." Daenerys whispers

"Always." Loki whispers back

Loki hugs his tearful sister, tears of his own gather in his eyes. Loki closes his eyes, kissing his sister's head.

"It's time." Loki says

It's Magic (Steve R., Bucky B., Thor) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now