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Nobodies POV

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Nobodies POV

Daenerys and Thor were still seated, talking with the royals.

Frigga intervenes and walks up towards the couple "it's time for your first dance as a married couple." Frigga says

Daenerys and Thor nod, standing.

Music begins playing.

The two walk over to the dance floor, Thor turns to his wife, holding a hand out "may I have this dance." Thor ask

Daenerys hesitantly takes it, letting him pull her close.

The two begin dancing to the music, there eyes locked.


Everyone watch's the couple dance, they looked amazing together. Steve looks down at his hands, his heart clenches in pain.

Natasha places a hand on his shoulder, she felt for him.

Steve ignores her touch and turns to Daenerys, he made a promise that he won't stop fighting for her and he will keep it, no matter what.

Bonded or not.


Daenerys closes her eyes, losing herself in the moment. Thor twirls the goddess, bringing her back against his chest. The two sway to the music.


The couple stand infront of a giant cake, smiling as they part a piece. Daenerys grabs a fork and takes some of the cake into the utensil, offering it to Thor.

Thor smiles and takes a bite.

Daenerys puts down the fork and grabs a napkin to wipe the corner of his lip. Thor grabs her wrist and as for show he kisses her.

The crowd cheers for the couple.


Daenerys excused herself from the crowd and walks towards the bathroom.

Daenerys enters one of the stalls and throws up the cake she ate "Daenerys." Frigga calls out

"Mother." Daenerys says

Tears well in the princesses eyes, Frigga sighs and hugs her daughter "don't worry swetheart, you did it once, you can do it again." Frigga says

"But Diana isn't half human, with her it was a few months, but it's different." Daenerys says

"Your the strongest women that I know, you'll get through this Dany." Frigga says


Daenerys and Frigga exit out of the bathroom.

Diana runs up to her mother "mommy can we dance." Diana ask

Daenerys smiles and takes her daughters hand. Diana drags her mother to the dance floor. Daenerys and Diana laugh as they dance.

Steve smiles

"Friend Rogers, why haven't you danced." Thor ask "uh dancing isn't my thing." Steve says "why." Thor ask "well I haven't found the right partner." Steve says

"Then who is the right partner." Thor ask

"Well thats complicated, the girl I have my eyes set on is taken." Steve says "don't let that stop you friend, fight for this maiden, she must be worth it if she's caught your attention." Thor says

"I plan to." Steve says

Thor lets out a mighty laugh, hitting the Captain in the back "good, tell me how it goes." Thor says


Loki and Daenerys were dancing "how are you going to lay with that brute." Loki ask

Daenerys sighs laying her head on his shoulder "I don't know brother but it's something I have to do, for my child and for my self." Daenerys says

"Try to enjoy it, that's the only way you'll make it through." Loki says


Odin and Frigga walk up to the couple "it's time." Odin says

Daenerys and Thor stiffen


The Avengers watch as a handful of royals leave. "What's going on." Bruce ask

Frigga walks up to the group "my children will be completing the marriage ceremony but please continue and enjoy the festivities." Frigga says smiling

"What else is there." Tony ask

"A tradition between royals, nothing you need to worry yourselves." Frigga says

It's Magic (Steve R., Bucky B., Thor) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now