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Nobodies POV

7 Hours after the attack.


Hydra Base.

Daenerys was strapped down on a metal table. Daenerys glares at one of the scientist as he brings down a scapel, taking some of her skin.

"You are something special." Pierce says

"Not really, there is a whole planet of people just like myself." Daenerys says "well here on earth, you are one of a kind." Pierce says

"Ha. Well in my birth home I'm considered a runt, so your not far off." Daenerys says

Pierces jaw ticks in annoyance.

Daenerys smirks blowing him a kiss. Pierce rolls her eyes and lightly caresses her cheek "now tell me what type of animal are you." Pierce ask

"Would you believe me if I said I was a squirrel." Daenerys ask

Pierce goes to slap her but his hand stop midair, green encases his hand. "I'm a god and you are nothing, so think again before you try to touch me with your filthy hands." Daenerys growls

Pierce snarls and pulls back his arm.

Daenerys head moves so she can stare at the figure in the corner of her room "who exactly is he." Daenerys ask

"He my darling is the Winter Soldier, so I would play nice, he rather favors knives." Pierce says

"You clearly don't know me." Daenerys teases

"What does that mean." Pierce ask "oh don't worry darling, your welcomed to let him have a go at it, let Winter near me, we have time to play." Daenerys says

Pierce rolls his eyes

"Why am I here for." Daenerys ask "your here to see to Winter's needs, shave him, bathe, anything he needs or wants." Pierce says

"Why me." Daenerys ask "your beautiful, strong and your a goddess. You can handle the soldier and we can use your blood for are work." Pierce says

"What makes you think I'll listen." Daenerys ask "you have a son don't you." Pierce ask

Daenerys glares at him, her jaw tightening.

"Do as your told and well leave him alone." Pierce says "very well." Daenerys says

"Winter take Daenerys to your bedroom, your both done for the day." Pierce says, dismissing everyone from the room.

The Winter Soldier unbuckles Daenerys from her bounds and helps her to her feet.

"What can I call you." Daenerys ask as they walk towards his bedroom "you may call me Winter if it pleases you." Winter says his voice coming out rough but not any less appealing.

"Okay Winter, what do you need me to do." Daenerys ask "I need you to shave my beard and trim my hair." Winter says


Winter was seated on the toilet while Daenerys leans over him, doing her best to stay still.

Winter sighs and pulls her down, so she is seated on his lap. Daenerys lifts her eyebrow "you looked uncomfortable." Winter says

"Well your not exactly small." Daenerys jokes

"Have you done this before." Winter ask "my husband had me trim his beard every morning." Daenerys mumbles, focusing on not accidentally cutting him.

"Your married." Winter ask

"It's complicated, its an Alien thing but we didn't exactly choose to marry one another." Daenerys says

It's Magic (Steve R., Bucky B., Thor) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now