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Nobodies POV

1 weeks later.

"Should we go I mean, I look about due." Daenerys says "it would look strange." Steve says

"Can't you determine the gender." Thor ask

"Can she do that." Steve ask

"Yeah I can." Daenerys says


"So two boys and one girl, your going to have alot on your plate." Natasha says

"I mean, your going to be dealing with alot of male testosterone." Pepper says

"Trust me, I'm dreading it." Daenerys says

"We aren't so bad." Clint says

The three women give him a look. Clint smirks lazily at them.

"If there anything like Barton, I might just start crying." Daenerys says

"Hey." Clint whines

The woman giggle.

"Hopefully there like Bruce, I would be happy." Pepper says

Bruce blushes at the praise.

Daenerys and Natasha nod in agreement.


"I can walk up the stairs." Daenerys whines

Steve chuckles, not letting go.

"Why did we take the stairs again." Tony ask panting, he was holding the food for movie night. Peter clutching at his leg was not helping.

"The elevator broke down." Natasha says

"GOooood I hate this building, when are you guys moving." Clint complains

Thor eyes widen, he was planning to show Daenerys the house he bought for her, with Starks help of course.

"There having triplets, that's the last thing on there minds." Natasha says

Natasha winks at Thor. How she knows is a mystery.


Peter runs to his room and jumps on the bed in relief.

The adults chuckle.

Tony puts the food on the table and runs into his sons room, jumping on the bed right besides him.

Peter giggles as the jump makes him bounce.

"Very mature Stark." Rhodey says

Tony pouts at his bestfriend.


"Can't believe they made a movie about the attack on New York." Pepper says

"Is this how it went down." Daenerys ask, shoving more popcorn in her mouth.

"More or less, most of it was made up, the fighting was accurate though." Natasha says

"Also Loki didn't go to Asgard, but you already know that." Clint says

"It's a badass movie though, and I have to admit Tom Hidleston is hot." Tony says

Everyone chuckles.

"I heard there's a post credit scene." Steve says

"Let's see." Tony says


Movie Tony was drinking a glass of whiskey, Bruce is half passed out on the couch.

There was a large beam out in the balcony. The beams resides.

It's Magic (Steve R., Bucky B., Thor) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now