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The Avengers all gather at the bi-frost "where are they." Fury ask "there saying there goodbyes." Heimdall says


Daenerys hugs her brother goodbye "take care brother." Daenerys says "sister I'll be fine, I'll be in that cell for a year and I'll be back." Loki says

"Still doesn't mean that I don't worry." Daenerys says

"You have other things to worry over." Loki says looking pointingly at her stomach "yes I know but we'll be fine, both of us." Daenerys says lightly caressing her stomach

"You better be or I'll kill you myself." Loki says "always the sentimental one." Daenerys teases "better to let it burn." Loki says "and it shall burn...of course." Daenerys says pulling a face

Loki laughs kissing his sisters head "see you in a year." Loki says

"Oh don't get ahead of yourself, I will visit." Daenerys says "you better." Loki says

"Quit hogging her, I want to say goodbye as well." Diana says tugging her mothers hand "of course." Loki says smirking

Daenerys bends down to her daughters level "this is not goodbye darling, this is see you soon." Daenerys says "how long will you be gone." Diana ask

"I'm staying on earth, it's where I belong, but you can visit whenever you want, just ask you father and he'll bring you to me." Daenerys says

"I will miss you." Diana says

"As will I." Daenerys says, Daenerys kisses the top of her daughter's head, hugging her goodbye.

Daenerys stands, giving her daughter a last smile. Daenerys moves to her adoptive parents "see you soon, I hope." Daenerys says

"Maybe you'll be queen one day, if your husband would change his mind." Odin says pointedly to Thor.

Thor lets a exasperated sigh "I said maybe." Thor calls out

The others laugh "bye daughter." Frigga says hugging Daenerys "it's not forever." Daenerys whispers "I know, but alot can happen and I want a proper goodbye." Frigga says

Daenerys sighs and pulls away, giving her mother a smile. Daenerys turns to her adoptive father "goodbye Odin." Daenerys says

Odin sighs sadly "goodbye my daughter." Odin says

Loki rolls his eyes


Daenerys and Thor walk down the rainbow bridge and meet up with there friends "and here they are." Clint says

"Come on lets go home." Tony says

"Of course, Heimdall." Daenerys says "right away your grace." Heimdall says

Daenerys gives Heimdall a small smile "farewell Heimdall." Daenerys says "farewell my princess." Heimdall whispers and opens up the bifrost


"Well were back." Natasha says

People were looking at the group weirdly, they all were still wearing Asgardian clothing.

"Friend Stark, me and my wife must speak to you once we arrive at your tower, is that fine." Thor ask "yeah point break." Tony says

Steve walks up Daenerys side "hey." Steve says. Daenerys turns to the blonde "Hey." Daenerys says

Steev chuckles, there very awkward around each other "your married now." Steve says "I am." Daenerys says "Asgardian traditions are very different then Earths.... What else did you need to do after the party." Steve ask

It's Magic (Steve R., Bucky B., Thor) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now