Chapter 8

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Something big is about to happen.

It is apparent in the way everyone chatters during what should be a mundane day. Soldiers rush around, some standing and teetering on their toes to get a look at something, or someone—if I had to guess, Evelyn.

At first I wonder if she is making an announcement, but then again she would be up above us on some platform if she were to address the crowd. No, this is indicative of an action about to take place.

I have been watching the factionless for weeks on end, paying close attention to every rotation they make, every shift in each faction. I have memorized their movements well enough to predict their course of action and their reinforcement plans, their strengths and their weaknesses.

Up until a couple of days ago, I was convinced that Dauntless did not have the upper hand in this fight. That is, until they were able to retake Abnegation. I played no part in any of it just because I was fortunate enough to be in the wrong time and place, patrolling the Candor lobby. But I heard enough about it to know that the results infuriated Evelyn; the news satisfied me.

Apparently, the Dauntless were very successful against the factionless. They even managed to extract the rest of the Abnegation that were left and take them home. I can only imagine what that tension must be like inside the compound now. Even in that scenario, I long to return home to the chaotic Pit, to the lively dining hall, though that is a mere dream.

I shake the thought away. I need to focus on what I am here to do, and right now that entails sorting through the mess happening in front of me. Since I have grown accustomed to the factionless patterns, it does not make sense to me that they are currently hurling themselves through the crowd to see Evelyn when they should be completing their afternoon rounds.

Someone snatches my arm and starts dragging me the way everyone is trying to go.

Conner looks over his shoulder at me. "Evelyn wants us guarding her today," he explains.

I offer a curt nod and follow him through the sea of animated soldiers. Then it all splits, and Evelyn strolls down the middle, looking agitated. We trail behind her on the way to the still train and pile inside.

Altogether, we are a team of fourteen guards. I wonder what she could possibly need us all for when this isn't nearly enough to stir up trouble.

"Where are we going?" someone finally asks as the train slides away from the factionless sector.

Evelyn purses her lips with disdain. "I was invited to a meeting with the newest leader of Dauntless. That naive, childish..." She sighs, collects herself. "Anyway, I don't believe that she would be foolish enough to try anything. But if she is, then you all know what to do."

I frown. The way she describes this Dauntless leader insinuates that she knows her, and that—additionally—she is young. I consider the possibilities of who it could be and come up with nothing. I suppose I will find out soon enough.

The factionless in the car are oddly silent as we travel. I watch outside the window and inwardly groan when I see more snow piling on the concrete. I never knew how much I despised winter until living factionless.

"This is it," Evelyn says, slamming her hand on the door that leads to the control panel of the train. The man driving nods. The train screeches to a halt, and we all pile off.

I don't recognize the area. It is toward the outskirts of the city, and the fence is not far off in the distance. There are less tall buildings and more broken, old things: cars, pavement, fallen streetlights.

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