Chapter 13

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The training room is crowded again.

I frown and glance at the clock on the wall. The compound isn't officially awake until ten o'clock on a normal day, so discovering the amount of people gathered around at nine o'clock to watch a fight is abnormal, even if it is a Friday, which is when they are commonly held.

But it's more frustrating than anything. I sigh and look at how many punching bags are taken as the next fighters warm up. When I decided to exercise this morning—promising myself and the doctor to take it easy on my side and concussed head—I didn't exactly hope for an audience to see me after what they witnessed yesterday morning in the dining hall.

Fortunately, everyone seems preoccupied with the fight. So I take my jacket off and set it on the floor, stretching my arms and peering between heads to watch the fight as I warm up.

I catch a glimpse of a familiar tattoo.

And by the cheering, I know who it is.

With a scoff, I pick up my jacket and march across the training room to the fighting ring. I slide my way in between people aggressively until I am able to see perfectly over someone's shoulder.

Tobias backs up towards my side of the mat, shaking out his hands and constantly moving on his feet. His opponent is definitely thicker than him, and I am too worried to remember my grudge for a moment. He has been gone for quite a long time, living destitute with the factionless; not only is he slightly weaker than he used to be, but I doubt he has done much fighting since then.

They both collide with a powerful force that ripples through both of them. I wince as everyone shouts out their support. Tobias backs up again, touching his jaw for a second to test it. Apparently he managed to catch the other man's nose, if the blood is any indication.

My anger builds the longer I watch. For some reason, I feel like I am on the other end of the fight; in some ways, it does feel like he pummeled me into the ground mercilessly. And each day he let me go on believing he was dead was just another hit to force me back down.

Yesterday I felt the same way about Zeke and his betrayal. But then I came to realize that ultimately, it was Tobias's fault. And it was so wrong of him to put his friend in that position.

The fight ends in the next minute. Tobias manages to get a few brutal hits in, and it slows the other man down considerably. Then, after a few grunts from both of them, his opponent is barely conscious on the floor.

Everyone cheers as Tobias finds his jacket at the edge of the ring and walks away practically unharmed. Some of them yell at the man to get up, but I don't ever see if he does.

"So you're fighting again," I say, following him away from the fight.

"That is none of your concern," he bites back, not bothering to turn around or stop. His shoulders rise and fall with his heavy breathing.

I sigh. I'm not going to deny that I still care about him—it's not like I can forget how I loved him—but I would deny it if he asked. That is why I can't say that I want him to stop out of concern for his wellbeing.

"Maybe I'll decide that it is, that my faction should not be fighting amongst themselves during war, even for fun," I mock. "Maybe, as a leader, I will decide to prohibit the fights."

He stops so abruptly in front of the exit that I almost slam into him. He whips around, his face stone cold. It reminds me of the look he had under the simulation, when he didn't even recognize me.

"Why? Why all the sudden do you give a shit about what I do?" he deadpans.

This is worse than if he were to yell back an argument. This low voice, this deadly yet unfeeling response scares me in an unexplainable way. It is almost like he has given up, slamming the doors shut on everything and everyone to protect himself.

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