Sam and Colby have been living in California since the day they had graduated from High School. Even while they were in high school, they had become social media famous starting with Vine; then moved on to YouTube where they gained 3 million subscribers. Sam and Colby have mostly done exploring videos where they travel to different areas, whether abandoned or haunted, they would go and explore to see what they will discover. But nothing prepared them for what's to come. Sam Golbach had blonde hair and blue eyes; he was always the leader of his friend group and knew what to do and how to calm others down. Especially Corey whenever they do something scary. Colby Brock had brown and blue hair and blue eyes. He had met Sam during their freshman year of high school.

As Sam and Colby were editing their most recent video, "The Witches Forest," Sam noticed that the bars on his cellphone had disappeared.

"Hey Colby," says Sam as he looked up from his laptop. "Do you have bars on your phone?"

"Let me check," says Colby as he pulled out his cellphone and looked at it. The minute he looked at the phone, confusion had crossed his face. "I don't have bars either,"

"I'll try calling you," says Sam as he dialed Colby's cellphone number and put the phone to his ear. As he did, the ringing had ceased; there was no sound that it was ringing. "That's strange; phone call should have gone through,"

"Maybe its nothing," says Colby shrugging his shoulders as he turned back to his laptop and edited the video. Sam did the same, though about an hour or so later, the internet had gone out and Sam tried everything to get it back up and running. Now he was starting to worry, how could the internet and the cellphone just cut out like that? There was no way he could get hold of the internet company because he had no cell reception, and neither did Colby. Just then, the electricity in the entire apartment building had gone out. Sam looked outside and noticed that the sky had gone from light to dark.

"Colby, come and look at this," says Sam as he looked up at the sky where a bunch of spaceships had flown across the sky.

"What the heck?!" says Colby just as they saw robots landing on the ground and began to approach the apartment complex.

"Colby? You see this right?" says Sam.

"Yes, what do we do?" asks Colby.

"We should probably run,"

Sam and Colby ran toward the door, the minute Sam opened it he saw that robots had entered the building first before they could make it out of the apartment. The robots were attacking and kidnapping people from their apartments. Shutting the door, Sam double-locked his door and looked at Colby worry flashing through his face.

"Sam? What is it?"

"The robots, they're inside the building!"

"What?! Are you sure?!"

"Yes, I'm sure we need to find a way out of here!"

"But how?!"

Looking around, Sam took off toward the balcony and looked down at the ground floor, as he looked down, he saw people being rounded up and shoved into the back of a giant truck. It was going to be more complicated than he had pictured.

"Sam, we can't just jump down from the balcony, not only will those things see us, but we would also either be dead or badly wounded,"

"Well, we need to think of something!"

Sam closed his curtains; he didn't have much time, he didn't think about how long it would take the robots to break into his apartment, his eyes traveled and landed on the garbage shoot.

"That's it!" says Sam as he took off toward the garbage shoot.

"There's no way you and I can fit in that,"

"Colby, it's a slide, and it goes all the way down to the garbage. The slide is big enough for both of us to slide down, we can escape and try to find a place to hide out until we know what to do," Colby hesitated because he was not sure if it would work, he looked at Sam for reassurance.

"Colby, come on we don't have much time," he says. Sam climbs into the garbage shoot just as the robots began to cut Sam's door. "Colby! come on!"

Noticing what's happening, Colby quickly climbs into the garbage shoot and closes the door before the robots enter the room. After Colby closes the door, he and Sam slide down the garbage shoot and land in the dumpster. Standing up, Sam climbed out first then helped Colby out.

"Okay, we're out, now what do we do? Where do we go?"

"The Witches Cabin, we have to go there,"

"But what about our friends and family there's no way we can get to them in time,"

Sam thought about it and started worrying about Katrina; he couldn't get hold of her, so he wasn't sure if she survived the onslaught or if she escaped. He wished that the cellphone towers were working so he could talk to someone.

"We'll just have to hope that they're okay, I'm sure that some of them might have fought, like Elton, you know how he is," says Sam.

Sam and Colby walk toward the end of the alleyway and just as they were about to exit, Sam pushed Colby back against the wall and hid from the robot's view. The two friends watched as the robots walked in the formation and had high tech guns that could harm someone. Sam and Colby stayed in the dark alley hoping not to get noticed.

"My question is, who's controlling them?"

"Didn't they come from space? Maybe they have a mind of their own," Sam stuck his head carefully from behind the brick wall and looked toward his right. The minute he looked toward the right, he saw a forest a few buildings away. He looked up and saw the alley he was in there were ladders, and that was when an idea clicked.

"That's it, Colby, remember when we made that rooftop escape?"

"Yeah?" says Colby as he looked at Sam, Sam turned and looked at Colby with a smirk on his face. "Sam, your a genius!" 

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